New Metal Gear Online info: 16 players, no open-world maps or trophies

Kojima might be leaving Konami but MGS 5 is still on the way, and now we have a surprising amount of new info on Metal Gear Online thanks to the game's twitter feed.

The LA-based studio behind the multiplayer side of things has been answering fan's questions, from which this little lot has been collected:

■ On the game's player count: "12 is the maximum for PS3/Xbox 360 and 16 is the maximum for PS4/Xbox One & PC".
■ On the release date: "we're committed to releasing with the single player campaign, so no we won't be delaying the launch of MGO".
■ Why the multiplayer won't features the open worlds of the single player campaign: "memory is one thing, multiplayer takes resources. The single player campaign likewise isn't balanced to multiple players".

Camo works like actual camo:

■ There is a skill system, they're just not talking about it yet: "can't detail the skill/skill system just yet, we'll talk about it at a later date".
■ When asked if the US based studio was still working with Kojima: "yes, we continue to work with the staff in Japan". (Hmm...)

■ There's no online trophies or achievements:

■ They talk about returning features like Team Sneaking mode and customisation: "TSNE yes, customisation yes, can't comment on more yet".
■ There's no non-PvP stuff:

So far, what we've seen shows objective-based team missions where rival sides steal/protect assets using a mix of stealth and very MGS tools like retro-styles mechs and.. um puppies. You can also invade your friends Mother Bases, although that seems to be more of a single player thing, putting you against the collected resources and soldiers of your rival.

Leon Hurley
Managing editor for guides

I'm GamesRadar's Managing Editor for guides, which means I run GamesRadar's guides and tips content. I also write reviews, previews and features, largely about horror, action adventure, FPS and open world games. I previously worked on Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Magazine and website.