Abandoned app is live at last, Blue Box announces

(Image credit: Blue Box Games)

Update - August 13: The highly anticipated Abandoned app is available for download at last via the PlayStation Store, developer Blue Box Games has announced.

Originally set to go live Tuesday, August 10, the Abandoned PS5 app was delayed due to various technical issues. But now, GamesRadar can independently confirm that the app is available to download from the PS5's PlayStation Store. It's titled Abandoned: Realtime Experience and it's exactly 5.1GB in size.

Update - August 13: Blue Box Games has issued another update for the Abandoned app via Twitter, asking people to "calmly wait for the patch", before assuring fans that the developer is "100% real and [is] working on a passionate game we believe in". 

It clarified that the particular issue with the patch is as follows:

"We dealt with multiple engine issues that occurred last minute after we spotted a graphical glitch. For that we wanted to do a quick update. We are almost there as most of the testing is complete."

Update - August 12: Another update on the Abandoned PS5 app from Blue Box Games on the delay has arrived. In the Twitter post, the developer states that it is "still working to resolve the issue" so that it can "deliver a highly polished product and a good representation of the game". 

Interesting, a follow-up tweet states that it "won't be delaying the patch to a specific date, but [will] release it as soon as we have resolved it". 

Update - August 11: In its latest update, Blue Box Games confirmed that the technical issue stalling the release of the reveal app for Abandoned "is taking longer than expected" and that the studio is still "fully working on this." 

At the time of writing, it's been 24 hours since the problem was first identified. It's unclear when it will be resolved and when the app will be released. Here's hoping it gets sorted sooner rather than later. 

Update - August 10: The long-awaited reveal app for mysterious PS5 game Abandoned has hit a snag and is not yet available. 

Developer Blue Box Games explained the situation on Twitter. Some manner of "technical issue" threw a monkey wrench in the patch containing the app, meaning nobody can download or otherwise access it just yet. The studio says it's "working to get this live ASAP." 

Abandoned really deserves a break at this point, so hopefully this delay is a matter of hours at worst. When we know more, you'll know more. 

Original story: 

The Abandoned PS5 app, which will give players their first proper look at the upcoming game, launches later today.

In a recent tweet, developer Blue Box Games confirmed that "the Realtime Experience patch will be available universally on August 10th." Access to the app kicks off at 12:00 PDT/15:00 ET/20:00 BST, but according to Comicbook, PS5 owners can pre-load the experience right now.

As for what you can expect from the experience, it's still not completely clear. Blue Box says that there'll be an "opening teaser as an introduction," and that players will "get a glimpse to [sic] 'what you see is what you play', along with some announcements to look out for."

In a prior thread, the developer said that the Realtime Experience will offer a look at the "high-end graphics'' on offer, but will also give players the chance to experience gameplay. The studio says that features like this have only been made possible by the PS5's SSD, and that while you'll be able to find the content included within the experience online after the event, the app will provide the best experience.

The arrival of the Realtime Experience comes at the end of a difficult few months for Abandoned. Rumours that the game and its developers were fronts for the next Hideo Kojima project have been swirling since the title's announcement. Blue Box has consistently denied those rumours, but the extra attention caused plenty of distraction that game director Hasan Kahraman says had a negative impact on development

For the projects we know a little more about, here's our list of upcoming PS5 games.

Ali Jones
News Editor

I'm GamesRadar's news editor, working with the team to deliver breaking news from across the industry. I started my journalistic career while getting my degree in English Literature at the University of Warwick, where I also worked as Games Editor on the student newspaper, The Boar. Since then, I've run the news sections at PCGamesN and Kotaku UK, and also regularly contributed to PC Gamer. As you might be able to tell, PC is my platform of choice, so you can regularly find me playing League of Legends or Steam's latest indie hit.