A Long Way From Home review

A chance meeting in France...

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Adapting her own short story Virginia Gilbert directs this whimsical drama about two British couples that meet in rural France.

Husband and wife Joseph (James Fox) and Brenda (Brenda Fricker) have long since slipped into staid retirement, but a chance meeting sees Joseph become gently infatuated with arty twentysomething Suzanne (Natalie Dormer), who is wasted on her ever-scowling partner, Mark (Paul Nicholls).

And that’s where it stays: a wistfully plotted tale with Fox, Fricker and co left to flounder in barely-sketched roles. As dull as a dreary daydream.

Freelance writer

James Mottram is a freelance film journalist, author of books that dive deep into films like Die Hard and Tenet, and a regular guest on the Total Film podcast. You'll find his writings on 12DOVE and Total Film, and in newspapers and magazines from across the world like The Times, The Independent, The i, Metro, The National, Marie Claire, and MindFood.