A game based on The Mandalorian is rumoured to be in development

The Mandalorian Xbox Series X controller
(Image credit: Disney Plus/Xbox)

A Star Wars: The Mandalorian game could be in development with an Xbox first-party studio according to a number of related rumours. 

This rumour flared to life thanks to fans taking notice of what Xbox head Phil Spencer displayed on the shelves behind him during video calls. . The Xbox executive is known for displaying clues for future projects on his shelf after it was revealed that he was hiding an Xbox Series S behind him months before it was ever announced.

This time around, during the GameBeat Summit 2021, fans began speculating around what looked like of a Mandalorian Funko Pop on Spencer’s shelf. A related Reddit thread shared a now-deleted tweet from @Shpeshal_Ed of Xbox Era, who stated: “You’ll notice...there’s a Mandalorian Funko on Phil’s shelf. Yes. Someone is making a Mandalorian game. Not sure who yet.” 

As it turns out, however, the figure on Spencer's shelf is not related to the Star Wars franchise at all, but was in fact an Arbiter from the Halo series. Shpeshal_Ed has since corrected themselves stating: “So little bit of a whoopsie. Yeah, there's going to be a Mando game. But um...that's apparently not a Mando Funko.” 

That's just one source, but earlier this year, a tweet from Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier - replying to a user asking about the possibility of releasing now-canceled game Star Wars 1313 - states that “what's far more likely is that Lucasfilm kicks off a bunch of new Star Wars games, including maybe even one about a bounty hunter.”

On top of that, a recent video from YouTuber MrMattyPlays discusses the topic, claiming that "Xbox [...] wants to take the Lucasfilm route. So we’re seeing that with Indiana Jones and there is another developer from the first party Xbox team that I’ve heard is working on a pretty well-known IP.” 

While far from definitive proof, those three rumours do all point in the direction of a game based on The Mandalorian being in development for the Xbox Series X. However, until Xbox, Disney, or any studio working on the game makes an official announcement we’ll just have to settle for watching the Disney Plus series and imagining what could be on the way soon. 

To get excited for games that are officially on the way, take a look at our upcoming Xbox Series X games list. 

Hope Bellingham
News Writer

After studying Film Studies and Creative Writing at university, I was lucky enough to land a job as an intern at Player Two PR where I helped to release a number of indie titles. I then got even luckier when I became a Trainee News Writer at 12DOVE before being promoted to a fully-fledged News Writer after a year and a half of training.  My expertise lies in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, cozy indies, and The Last of Us, but especially in the Kingdom Hearts series. I'm also known to write about the odd Korean drama for the Entertainment team every now and then.