A brief history of video game vomit

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Eat one too many reticulated pythons and want to get rid of those tummy rumbles before you infiltrate that heavily guarded warehouse? Then simply follow Snake's lead and spin around until you puke your guts out. If it's good enough for the mulleted murderer, it's damn sure good enough for us.

Major League Eating The Game

That's right, stuffing your face until you're sick is now apparently an official sport. Next up in the exciting line of 'What-this-is-actually-a-shitting-game-genre-now?' we'll soon have Extreme Toenail Growing and How to Shave Your Back Hair 2010 Edition.

Left 4 Dead

God bless Boomers. If nothing else, L4D's fat-ass zombie dudes with the serious skin conditions are to the point. None more so than when they're melting survivors' faces off with the acidic content on their bloated bellies. When you're done wiping out the last strains of humanity, though fellas, you might want to make an appointment with a good undead doctor. Just a suggestion.

Dante's Inferno

We can take giant women spitting evil babies out of their nipples, but seeing something vomit that looks like a slightly prettier Rosie O'Donnell is a bit harder to stomach. Especially when said vomit can send us straight to Hell... well, a lower level of it anyway. Oh, and Rosie? You're a good sport.

Heavy Rain

How do you convey a state of emotional turmoil in a very serious and very French way? Do you craft a subtle, mournful mood over the course of your narrative? Do you compose a melancholic score that tugs at the tear glands? Nah, bud. Just show your lead character doing a massive vom and you're good to go.

Have you thought of any other examples of gaming puke that deserve a mention? Then let us know in the comments section.

Apr 23, 2010

David Meikleham
Google AMP Stories Editor

David has worked for Future under many guises, including for 12DOVE and the Official Xbox Magazine. He is currently the Google Stories Editor for GamesRadar and PC Gamer, which sees him making daily video Stories content for both websites. David also regularly writes features, guides, and reviews for both brands too.