8 things to watch out for this week

Swords of Ditto, Iron Man, GTA 4 and Fortnite Battle Royale

1. Swords of Ditto is a compact, pleasingly repetitive take on Zelda and rogue-likes that you absolutely need in your library

It feels like it probably takes more than four days to save the world, but in Swords of Ditto that’s all you get. And if you die, you have to wait 100 years (thankfully mere seconds of in-game time) to start again. The evil witch Mormo is a bit obsessive, returning every 100 years without fail to ravish the paradisiacal lands, and if you die, you’ll have to wait another 100 years until you can take her on again. Every time, you’ll come back with a little more knowledge though, the same gear and even more determined to take Mormo down. Combat is basic slash and roll stuff, but with puzzles to be solved, toy weapons to find and stickers to collect, the allure is strong with this one. Buy it now. You won’t regret it. Sam Loveridge

What: Swords of Ditto
Where: PS4 and PC
When: Right now

2. Play a poltergeist in horror point-and-click adventure Goetia on Switch

With their history of madness and eccentricity, the Blackwood family need some serious therapy. But seeing as Goetia is set in the Victorian times, you’ll have to make do with the ghost of Abigail Blackwood, a long-dead girl who needs to uncover what happened to her bloodline in the 40 years since she died. Filled to the brim with puzzles, Goetia will keep you guessing for quite a while as it promises 20 hours of gameplay and encourages you to possess things and pass through walls just like a real poltergeist. Reviews from Steam are quite promising, but take the puzzles with a pinch of salt as by the sounds of it their solutions can be a bit… unexpected. Just a warning. Zoe Delahunty-Light

What: Goetia
Where: Nintendo Switch
When: April 26

3. GTA 4 is 10 years old and remains a benchmark in open world storytelling – but will Rockstar ever be this bold again?

It’s been 10 years since GTA 4’s Niko Bellic first came to Liberty City in pursuit of the American Dream, signalling developer Rockstar's more conscientious take on open world chaos. Before the series' fourth entry, the PS2 GTAs were more cartoonish, defined by car-crashing, rampage-led carnage, despite great storytelling. On PS3 / Xbox 360, Rockstar operated in shades of grey, with a more realistic city and characters. GTA 4 told the tale of an Eastern European army vet out for payback following a wartime betrayal. The missions often lacked variety, but GTA 4's stand-out moments were strong – like Three Leaf Clover, the game’s homage to the movie Heat. GTA 4's highlight was the final story mission That Special Someone, where you were forced to choose between two endings. Players were faced with a poignant, self-reflexive, choice where fulfilling the key objective of 40 hours of play means becoming the very thing you hate. 10 years on, however, Rockstar appear to have blinked. GTA Online is a riot of toy box gadgets, mini-games and frequent updates, with GTA 5's original plans for more meaningful single-player story DLC seemingly forgotten. We know that Rockstar had been taken aback by player completion stats for GTA 4's story mode, with only a tiny % of players seeing the critical final scenes – but it would be a shame if GTA abandoned the more adult, borderline moral, lens through which it viewed Liberty City in GTA 4; where it briefly flirted with keeping politics in its games. Leon Hurley

What: GTA 4
Where: PS3, Xbox 360, PC
When: April 29

4. Live in the US? Like getting good stuff while paying very little for it? The Humble Capcom x Sega Bundle is for you 

Time for a hot deal. You can get hold of a Capcom and Sega team-up bundle comprising up to 12 games split between both publishers – including a few all-time greats and modern classics – for several riotously low prices. The ‘Pay what you want’ bracket will get you Dead Rising on PS4, Crazy Taxi on PS3, and Dustforce and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz on Vita. Anything over a dollar, and they’re yours. Step up to paying more than the average (current average is a mere $11.84), and you’re looking at the Resident Evil HD Remaster, Mega Man Legacy Collection, Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, and Alien: Isolation on PS4 and Sonic Generations and Binary Domain on PS3. Not enough? Fine then. Just splash out the grand total of $15 and you’ll get Dead Rising 2 and Valkyria Chronicles Remastered on PS4 as well. This deal is crazy good, and if you’re lacking even just a couple of the games involved, you should seriously think about going for it. David Houghton

What: The Humble Capcom x Sega Bundle for PlayStation
Where: Humble Bundle (North and South America only)
When: Now until May 8 

5.  Live in the UK? Like getting good stuff without paying for it? Get three free months of PlayStation Plus with a one-year subscription 

If you have the cash available for this, there’s no reason not to go for it. Let’s face it, you need PlayStation Plus if you want to play online at all, and given the profit you’ll make over the course of the year by way of free monthly games, signing up is a no-brainer. Download just a few of the 24 PS4 games that become available every year, and the service pays for itself. And when you’re getting three months free on top of that – as is the case with this current offer – then that’s a whole extra level of anti-spending that I really can’t be bothered to calculate at this late stage of the week. Just trust me when I say that £49.99 for 15 months of PS Plus (rather than the usual 12 that price will usually get you) is well worth getting on top of. But be sharp. The offer only runs until May 4. Don’t leave it too late and be disappointed on Star Wars Day, of all days. David Houghton

What: 15 months of PlayStation Plus for the price of 12
Where: PlayStation Store UK
When: Now until May 4 

6. Celebrate 10 years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe by rewatching your favourite MCU movies 

Prepare yourself for something shocking. It’s been ten years since the start of the MCU this week. Yeah, that’s right, on May 2, 2008 the first Iron Man movie was released and the Marvel Cinematic Universe was born. How old do you feel right now? Don’t worry because there’s something we can do about that... Take your mind off the fact that one of the biggest movie franchises in the world is a decade old this week by watching the best Marvel movies of all time. From the film that started it all (Iron Man) to the latest record-breaking movie (Black Panther), kick back this weekend and watch your favourite MCU movies and celebrate 10 years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Oh, and if you have the time, why not watch Avengers: Infinity War too? What better way to celebrate a decade of epic Marvel movies than to watch Thanos potentially end it all?! Lauren O’Callaghan

What: The ten year anniversary of the MCU
Where: Everywhere
When: May 2 

7.  Will Fortnite Battle Royale Season 3 have a dramatic - and meteor-filled - end? 

Fornite Battle Royale Season 3

Fortnite Battle Royale Season 3 has been running for the last ten weeks, giving those who purchased the Battle Pass weekly sets of challenges to complete, unlocking new emotes, outfits, bonus V-Bucks and more. With Season 3 set to end at some point on Sunday 29 April, this only leaves a short amount of time to complete the remaining tasks, so if you want a chance to take on the secret Fortnite Tier 100 Challenge and unlock the Ford Mustang glider for your John Wick-alike character then you'd better get cracking. As for how Epic will actually end Season 3 in-game, rumours abound but the meteor that recently appeared above the map seems to be getting bigger, plus placards found on the roof of Tilted Towers suggest something big could be happening there soon. Couple that with the recent tweet from the official Fortnite account showing what appears to be a meteor speeding across the Season 4 logo with the strapline "Battle. Adapt. Win." and big changes could be on the way. Keep your eyes to the sky... Iain Wilson

What: Fortnite Battle Royale Season 3 finale
Where: PC, PS4, Xbox One, Mobile
When: Now 

8. Get all excited for Lara's next adventure by catching up with the Shadow of the Tomb Raider reveal

We're reaching the close of Lara's latest adventure with Shadow of the Tomb Raider marking the end of the reboot trilogy - also known as the Survival Trilogy. Arriving on September 14 on PS4, Xbox One and PC, everyone's expecting it to be quite the closer. We're going to South America for the last chapter, exploring Mayan culture and some artefacts that may either start or stop a rather epic apocalypse. The full reveal just happened, and you can watch the first gameplay trailer above, then read our full first impressions here - Shadow of the Tomb Raider is all about a darker, selfish side of Lara… with very safe gameplay. Sam Loveridge

What: The full Shadow of the Tomb Raider reveal
Where: Here or on YouTube
When: Right now!

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