50 Greatest Movie Bloopers
May cause laughter

The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005)
The Blooper: Judd Apatow shouts ever more offensive line cues to his off-screen wife Leslie Mann (1:26)
Best Detail: Mann balks at the ecstasy line: “Honey, we have kids!”

Cemetery Junction (2009)
The Blooper: Gervais gag-reels are something of an acquired taste, depending on your tolerance for that high-pitched shriek of laughter. However, two scenes stand out here, one featuring the brilliant David Earl (just after the four minute mark) and the second involving a stony-faced Ralph Fiennes (at 6:27).
Best Detail: Fiennes’ face is an absolute picture. No wonder Christian Cooke can’t keep it together…

The Rock (1996)
The Blooper: Ed Harris attempts to stay in character before losing the plot entirely (first scene in the above video). Stay out of that man’s way.
Best Detail: The impotent rage with which Harris boots the wall. Full on Basil Fawlty…

Back To The Future (1985)
The Blooper: Not a blooper so much as an outtake, as Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd piss about in the high school scene with cod Latin American accents. Watch as they struggle to keep their faces straight.
Best Detail: “Ey, puto!” makes us laugh every time. You can see Fox is cracking up as he says it…

Star Trek (2009)
The Blooper: Zoe Saldana accidentally cleans Chris Pine’s clock with a slidey Starfleet door (3:44).
Best Detail: The fact that Pine has already mangled his dialogue gives the collision something of a punitive air!

Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)
The Blooper: Matt Damon and Ben Affleck lose their shit while shooting the parody movie, Good Will Hunting 2: Hunting Season (7:41 above).
Best Detail: Affleck’s increasingly manic, “what are we going to do?”

Star Wars (1977)
The Blooper: Mark Hamill sends his helmet flying whilst mucking about with his lightsaber.
Best Detail: The lightsaber effect makes it looks as though he’s just decapitated himself!

Knocked Up (2007)
The Blooper: Ken Jeong presents Katherine Heigl with a frankly terrifying-looking baby.
Best Detail: Jeong’s manic expression is priceless.

The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
The Blooper: Gonzo sinks a grappling hook into his own face (0:52), much to the consternation of his pal Rizzo.
Best Detail: Rizzo’s frantic calls for a medic!

From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
The Blooper: Good old fashioned slapstick, as George Clooney accidentally clocks QT with a chair (5:57). Ouch!
Best Detail: The fact that it goes right in his eye. We defy anyone to watch this without flinching.

Starsky & Hutch (2005)
The Blooper: Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller keep blowing their lines over a topless Brande Roderick… possibly on purpose.
Best Detail: The chaps don’t know where to look whenever the director yells “cut”.

Young Frankenstein (1974)
The Blooper: Marty Feldman sets about sabotaging take after take with Madeline Khan (5:26) through a variety of improvised lines and physical clowning.
Best Detail: The fact that you can hear Mel Brooks cackling away in the background.

Toy Story (1995)
The Blooper: Pixar’s gag reels are always a treat, and this one is no different. The opening blooper in which Woody sandwiches himself in a roll of sellotape is our fave.
Best Detail: Woody’s forced hilarity skewers the sense of self-congratulation you get with some blooper reels.

Just Friends (2005)
The Blooper: Amy Smart attempts to whisk a bowl of cake mix and talk on the phone at the same time (2:29)… badly.
Best Detail: The few seconds delay before the director says “cut”. Just in case it was salvageable!

Spider-Man 2 (2004)
The Blooper: Sam Raimi, doubling-up on extra duty, clatters Tobey Maguire (1:05) rather more forcefully than was intended. We think…
Best Detail: Maguire is nearly garrotted by the bag’s trailing strap!

Shaun Of The Dead (2004)
The Blooper: The Man Who Would Be Shawn, in which Nick Frost and Simon Pegg show off their best Connery and Caine impressions whilst desperately trying not to laugh.
Best Detail: “Because I LAV ’ER!”

Hot Fuzz (2007)
The Blooper: And because we like it so much, here’s Frost and Pegg reprising the routine in Hot Fuzz .
Best Detail: “I don’t drink coffee.”

Rush Hour (1998)
The Blooper: A pair of cops demand that Chris Tucker show them his badge (1:30). At least, that’s what they mean to say…
Best Detail: Tucker’s incredulous response. Bit rich considering his fuckwittery at 0:38…

Rush Hour 2 (2001)
The Blooper: Poor old Chris Tucker seems confused by the notion of real names and character names (1:46)…
Best Detail: When Don Cheadle finally loses his rag with Tucker’s buffoonery.

Superbad (2007)
The Blooper: Michael Cera just can’t bring himself to punch Martha MacIsaac in the boob. (3:00)
Best Detail: The frustrated crew members telling him to strap on a pair and get on with it.

Liar Liar (1997)
The Blooper: Swoosie Kurtz puts Jim Carrey in his place, calling him out as an “over-actor”…
Best Detail: Carrey responds with self-deprecating good grace, laughing that “they’re on to me…”

Serenity (2005)
The Blooper: Wash has to deal with a bevy of “back-spaceship drivers” (2:11).
Best Detail: Nathan Fillion’s cries of “Would you pull over!” always make us chuckle.

Little Giant (1946)
The Blooper: Lou Costello produces his pocket watch from an unexpected location (3:33)…
Best Detail: The stunned reaction of his co-stars. Pretty bawdy stuff for the ’40s!

Bridesmaids (2011)
The Blooper: The “asshole” exchange at 2:27. A great example of crossed wires, made even funnier by Kristen Wiig blowing each take.
Best Detail: The look of sheer disgust on Jon Hamm’s face at the second, “so do you!”

The Cannonball Run (1981)
The Blooper: Dom DeLuise has a laughing fit practically every time Burt Reynolds opens his mouth at the beginning of this post-credits gag reel.
Best Detail: The mixture of irritation and amusement playing across Reynolds’ face!

Die Hard With A Vengeance (1995)
The Blooper: Bruce Willis does his level best to a kick a door open (0:15) without it budging an inch.
Best Detail: The penny finally drops for Bruce, who remarks, “that’s not breakaway glass.”

Die Hard 4.0 (2007)
The Blooper: Bruce Willis tries to look mean (1:11) and fails miserably.
Best Detail: Willis authoritatively tells the director he’ll do some “deadpan takes” before promptly cracking up.

Numbered Women (1938)
The Blooper: Ward Bond places rather too much of his weight on Mayo Methot (4:25) who simply must insist he removes himself.
Best Detail: Methot’s reaction is priceless: “Jesus, get off me!”

Scream (1997)
The Blooper: Life must be tough in the Cox-Arquette household. David doesn’t know how to use a mug (0:35) and Courtney can’t say words (0:54). Painful…
Best Detail: Cox’s increasing frustration as Wes Craven inches ever closer to shouting “cut”.

Step Brothers (2008)
The Blooper: Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly try and fail to keep their faces straight while talking sex (2:29). The situation isn’t helped by the fact that Ferrell keeps changing the line each time…
Best Detail: Ferrell’s barely suppressed laughter. He’s gone even before he finishes his sentence!

Conan The Barbarian (1982)
The Blooper: Whilst filming a making-of documentary for the DVD, Arnie is nearly clocked on the head by a falling microphone.
Best Detail: Arnie’s withering “thank you” is pretty special.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)
The Blooper: Jason Segel starts freestyling in the scene in which he tricks his sister into miming fellatio on Bill Hader (1:12)
Best Detail: Hader’s increasingly forlorn attempts at holding it together.

The Silence Of The Lambs (1991)
The Blooper: Anthony Hopkins channels Sly Stallone (1:10), shedding all his menace in the process!
Best Detail: The hint of Welsh straining to come through. A Welsh Rocky… now there’s a thought.

The Invention Of Lying (2009)
The Blooper: Jennifer Garner attempts to talk about masturbation (1:43) without laughing. How do you think she gets on?
Best Detail: As the takes stack up, just opening the door is enough to set her off!

Ghost Town (2008)
The Blooper: Gervais again, this time struggling to keep a straight face as Tea Leoni shows him an ancient corpse (1:12).
Best Detail: The fact that Leoni is trying to be vaguely professional while Ricky works himself into a state of hysteria.

Night At The Museum (2006)
The Blooper: And one more for luck! This time, Gervais is reducing Ben Stiller to tears with a variety of silly noises (2:55).
Best Detail: Stiller’s beseeching, “oh, come on!” to Gervais. He never makes it easy for his co-stars, does Ricky.

Analyze This (1999)
The Blooper: Chazz Palminteri struggles to get his line out on account of an overly-familiar tailor (2:28).
Best Detail: The tailor doesn’t crack a smile throughout. What a pro.

Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
The Blooper: The late Lenny McClean lays down the lawn to those fackin’ northern monkeys.
Best Detail: The payoff at the end. Lovely little gag there, Lenny.

Anchorman (2004)
The Blooper: Ron Burgundy “helps” Victoria Corningstone to a sip of morning coffee (3:54).
Best Detail: The smirk playing across Ferrell’s mouth as he attempts this. An ad lib, we suspect…

Gremlins 2 (1990)
The Blooper: A menagerie of animals run wild on set (0:28) paying very little attention to the director or their human co-stars.
Best Detail: Christopher Lee’s reaction: “The horror! The horror!”

Red Eye (2005)
The Blooper: Cillian Murphy’s neck injury doesn’t receive the appropriate level of sympathy (3:15).
Best Detail: Murphy looks as though he’s about to rip the guy’s head off…

The Usual Suspects (1995)
The Blooper: Benecio Del Toro’s cast-mates can’t quite work out what he’s trying to say (2:37)…
Best Detail: Stephen Baldwin’s deadpan “say it again please”.

X2 (2003)
The Blooper: Brian Cox prepares to confront Sir Ian McKellan before cracking his knee into the table.
Best Detail: “Amateur,” quips Sir Ian.

Armageddon (1998)
The Blooper: Billy-Bob Thornton talks dirty to Liv Tyler in an extremely convincing piece of acting (4:35)…
Best Detail: “There’s an asteroid in my pants that you can’t believe.”

The Other Guys (2010)
The Blooper: The entire gag reel is fairly priceless, with Will Ferrell taking great pleasure in reducing Mark Wahlberg to hysterics. Our favourite moment? When Steve Coogan is added to the mix at 5:16…
Best Detail: Coogan’s frenzied mugging is too much, even for Ferrell.

The Pink Panther (1963)
The Blooper: Best in show here are a pair of prop malfunctions, first at 0:09 and again at 1:59. Sellers finds it funny, anyhow…
Best Detail: The deliberation with which he lights that pipe, only to have it fall apart in his hands.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2006)
The Blooper: A whole series of gaffes occur when Downey and Kilmer are being tortured at 3:26…
Best Detail: Kilmer’s withering put-down when his captor’s gun goes flying.

Pineapple Express (2008)
The Blooper: For some reason, Bill Hader struggles with the line, “I wanna finger the chimp,” (1:36). Can’t think why…
Best Detail: The beat before he dissolves into a fit of giggles. Lovely stuff.

International House (1933)
The Blooper: Filming comes to an abrupt halt when a real-life earthquake hits the set of this W.C. Fields movie (0:57).
Best Detail: The dawning realisation on the faces of the actors that they should probably start moving…

The Golden Globes (1958)
The Blooper: This one doesn’t come from a movie, but rather the 1958 Golden Globes ceremony, in which Mickey Rooney’s speech is repeatedly sabotaged by the distracting influence of Jayne Mansfield (6:33). Pure gold.
Best Detail: “Where was I?” queries Rooney after Mansfield’s wardrobe malfunction.
George was once GamesRadar's resident movie news person, based out of London. He understands that all men must die, but he'd rather not think about it. But now he's working at Stylist Magazine.