50 Franchises For Jennifer Lawrence
Life after The Hunger Games

The Franchise: A He-Man spin-off starring the Princess of Power, who just so happens to be old granite-pecs' sister. She was stolen by mean old Hordak when the two were just kids. And now she's pissed…
Jen's Character: She-Ra, of course. Hard as nails and stunning to boot… it's a perfect fit.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The Franchise: Initially a trashy teen horror flick starring Kristy Swanson, Joss Whedon went on to get his hands on the slayer and delivered one of the seminal TV shows of the late '90s, packed with quick wit and sex appeal.
Jen's Character: Should Buffy ever get a big-screen reboot, we can think of no better candidate to inherite Sarah Michelle Gellar's high-kicking mantle.

Fantastic Four
The Franchise: A reboot is apparently on the cards for Marvel's other super-team, after the colourful but uninspired mid-noughties incarnation left audiences cold.
Jen's Character: Jen's our pick to replace Jessica Alba as Sue Storm, otherwise known as Invisible Woman. Make it happen, Marvel...

The Franchise: A trilogy of dystopian sci-fi novels by Scott Westerfeld, in which everybody is turned "Pretty" by a bout of extreme cosmetic surgery at the age of 16. There are rebels however, who still prize their individual features, and aren't about to let them go without a fight.
Jen's Character: Jen plays Tally Youngblood, a teenager who decides to turn her back on the process and sets out in search of a refugee settlement known as The Smoke.

Wonder Woman
The Franchise: A DC comics superheroine, Wonder Woman is an Amazonian warrior princess with an armoury of fantastical weapons, including her "lasso of truth" and a pair of indestructible bracelets. That's how you accessorise…
Jen's Character: The titular starlet, of course. And not just because of the costume. Honest.

Mortal Engines
The Franchise: Philip Reeve's sci-fi series set in a post-apocalyptic world in which the world's largest cities have become immense vehicles known as Traction Cities, that must consume one another in order to survive.
Jen's Character: The characters would need ageing up a touch (they're early to mid teens in the book), but she'd be a good fit for the feisty Hester Shaw, a born survivor whose parents were killed when she was just a child.

Poison Study
The Franchise: Maria V Snyder's series of fantasy books, set in the mythical land of Ixia, where the demonstration of magical abilities will land you in prison…. and then on death row.
Jen's Character: Yelena, a 19-year-old orphan whose burgeoning magical abilities land her in the clink, only to receive the chance to live, should she agrees to become the Commander's official Food Taster. No-brainer, right?

Gen 13
The Franchise: Jim Lee and Brandon Choi's youthful take on the X-Men, starring a team of super-powered teens who escape from a government testing programme.
Jen's Character: Caitlin Fairchild, an Amazonian badass who remains sweetly unaware of the effect her curves have on her male team-mates.

The Franchise: Pamela Sargent's '80s classic in which a group of teens (who are Earth's last survivors) are travelling through space in search of a habitable world. As they approach a likely target, the ship traps them in a simulated wasteland to assess whether they have what it takes to survive…
Jen's Character: Jen plays Zoheret (aged up a few years as she's 15 in the book), the leader of one of the two factions that establish themselves within the simulation.

The Franchise: An inhabitant of the planet Draculon, Vampirella fights the good fight against those pesky vampires, many of whom have invaded Earth. Thank goodness we've got us looking out for us, eh?
Jen's Character: She'd be taking the lead role, costume and all. Yeah we know it won't happen, but let us dream, eh?

The Franchise: Veronica Roth's tale of a dystopian Chicago, in which the city has been divided into five factions, representing honesty, intelligence, peacefulness, fearlessness and selflessness. Young members of each faction must past initiation tests of physical combat and… yeah, it's quite like The Hunger Games .
Jen's Character: Tris Prior, who turns out to be a "divergent", i.e. somebody who is not just suited to one faction, but three. Which will she choose? Send for the sorting hat! Oh wait, wrong franchise...

The Franchise: One of DC's stable of thus far unused superheroes, Aquaman is an Atlantean who becomes affiliated with the Justice League. With the latter in the works, surely our fishy friend deserves his own movie?
Jen's Character: We'd cast Jen as Mera, an undersea Queen who has a bit of a thing with our hero.

Noughts And Crosses
The Franchise: A young-adult saga by Malorie Blackman set in a racist dystopia, in which the black -skinned majority (dubbed "crosses") enjoy dominion over their white-skinned counterparts ("noughts"). Against this backdrop, a romance begins to blossom between Sephy (a cross) and Callum (a nought). Naturally, trouble ensues.
Jen's Character: We'd have Lawrence appear in a flashback cameo as Callum's older sister Lynette, who was brutally beaten by a gang of noughts for dating a cross.

Old Kingdom
The Franchise: Garth Nix's fantasy trilogy, set in a pair of neighbouring, fictional countries, one of which is plagued by hordes of the walking dead. Fortunately, there is a sorcerer on hand to keep them in their place, although the job seems to be getting harder by the year…
Jen's Character: Sabriel, the daughter of said sorcerer, who must assume her father's mantle when he's finally overcome by the forces of evil. Can she rescue him, before it's too late? Over the course of a trilogy, we'll find out.

Top 10
The Franchise: Alan Moore has a crack at the super-team, in this tale of a multiversal police force charged with law-enforcement in the city of Neopolis, a settlement populated by superhumans, aliens, robots and more…
Jen's Character: Robyn "Toybox" Slinger, a new recruit from the academy boasting a cubic box full of robotic "toys".

The Franchise: The United States of the future is divided into two warring nations, in this young adult tale from Mary Lu. When rich girl June crosses paths with street hood Day when her brother is murdered, Day soon finds himself as the prime suspect.
Jen's Character: Jen dusts off her valley girl routine to play the pampered June.

The Avengers
The Franchise: Joss Whedon's bombastic superhero spectacular, which is now the third-highest-grossing movie of all time. Still not ringing any bells? Where have you been?
Jen's Character: We'd like to see her join the team as Wasp, a character Whedon very nearly included in the first movie. An insectoid companion of Henry Pym, she could lend a hand in the forthcoming Ant-Man movie as well.

The Franchise: Another dystopian nightmare, this time written by Catherine Fisher, in which seventeen-year-old Finn endeavours to escape the fearsome prison world of Incarceron, in which discipline is maintained by a ruthless artificial intelligence.
Jen's Character: Lawrence plays Claudia, the daughter of Incarceron's chief warden who is sympathetic to Finn's plight.

The Franchise: Terry Moore's comic-book about a young photographer whose body becomes fused with an Iron Man-esque body suit, forcing into going on the run from the military.
Jen's Character: Julie Martin, the photographer in question, who suffers her accident while taking photos of a desert-set war.

The Franchise: Lauren Olivier's high-concept adventure series, set in a world where love has been recategorised as a disease, and a new surgical procedure to remove the part of the brain responsible made compulsory at the age of 18.
Jen's Character: Lawrence plays Lena, a girl who falls for a boy her age just before she's due to have the operation. Together, the two of them set about attempting to escape the authorities in order to let their feelings blossom.

The Eyre Affair
The Franchise: Jasper Fforde's highly inventive novel, set within a parallel version of 1985, in which detective Thursday Next must track down a criminal whose kidnapping characters from the pages of their books.
Jen's Character: Jen would be excellent as the indefatigable Ms. Next.

Heist Society
The Franchise: A kind of teenage Ocean's Eleven , following a young woman from a family line full of thieves who finds herself drawn into the family business when her old man is accused of stealing a gangster's art collection.
Jen's Character: Jen stars as Katerina Bishop, the junior cat-burglar in question.

The Franchise: An ongoing comic-book from Radical, already being touted as something akin to "the new Star Wars ", what with its rebels, alliances and intergalactic dust-ups.
Jen's Character: We're going to nail our colours to the mast and nominate Jen as rebel war hero Samantha Vijaya. You heard it here first.

Black Hole
The Franchise: Charles Burns' disturbing comic-book series, in which a group of horny teens find themselves falling pray to an STD that causes grotesque physical mutations.
Jen's Character: She plays Eliza, a young woman whose affliction with the disease manifests itself in the form of a tail. Hey, it could be worse!

Blood Red Road
The Franchise: Moira Young's young-adult novel is set in yet another post-apocalyptic wasteland in which 18-year-old Saba sets out in search of her brother, who has been captured by a local warlord.
Jen's Character: Lawrence plays Katniss, sorry, Saba, in this dystopian fantasy. Hey, this kind of thing is the new vampire movie… they're here to stay.

Queen And Country
The Franchise: A kind of female Bond comic-book saga, written by Greg Rucka and starring MI6 operative, Tara Chase.
Jen's Character: Jen brings her action chops to bear in the leading role. Again, she'll have to polish up that accent, but she'd be more convincing than Keira Knightley!

The Franchise: The comic-book adventures of Sara Pezzini, a nails homicide detective on the NYPD who comes into possession of a supernatural artefact known as The Witchblade, and finds herself becoming a vessel for its terrible power.
Jen's Character: Lawrence plays Pezzini, who finds herself fending off a host of nefarious characters with plans for the blade and its power.

White Crow
The Franchise: Marcus Sedgwick's rural creep-out in which teenager Rebecca uncovers all kinds of weirdness in the seaside town of Winterfold, chief among which are the afterlife experiments being conducted by the strange Dr. Barrieux.
Jen's Character: How's Jen's British accent? If she can't get her head around it, this could always be re-set in backwoods Nowheresville, USA.

The Runaways
The Franchise: A comic-book series about a group of teenagers who discover their parents are members of a criminal organisation of super-villains known as The Pride. As if that wasn't distressing enough, they then realise that they're in possession of some super-powers of their own.
Jen's Character: She'd be a decent fit for Karolina Dean, a solar-powered alien and daughter to a pair of extra-terrestrial invaders.

Justice League
The Franchise: DC's answer to The Avengers , which sees Batman, Superman, Green Lantern et al team up to protect the earth from all manner of super-villains.
Jen's Character: Dinah Laurel Lance AKA The Black Canary, a love interest for Green Arrow, boasting a sonic scream that can lay her enemies low with a single blast.

The Franchise: An award-winning book series from author Kristin Cashore, following the life of 18-year-old Katsa, a "Graceling" with an inordinate talent for killing. Essentially a decent sort herself, she is used as a pawn by her wicked uncle King Randa, in order to keep his subjects in check…
Jen's Character: She'd play Katsa, and as is often the way with Lawrence's characters, she eventually strikes out on her own, abandoning the King and founding a secret organisation charged with eradicating corruption across the seven kingdoms.

The Franchise: The adventures of everyone's favourite wall-crawler, now rebooted as Andrew Garfield, with a whole new set of sequels to come...
Jen's Character: Emma Stone is cute as a button as Gwen Stacey, but we don't want her to have it all her own way as far as Peter's affections are concerned, so we'd cast Jen as the slinky Black Cat.

Red Sonja
The Franchise: A remake of the warrior woman's adventures has been in development hell for quite some time, with a Rose McGowan-starring version foundering a few years back. Time to kick-start a flagging franchise…
Jen's Character: Jen would play the title role, swinging that broadsword like a champ. Send for the hair dye!

The Franchise: We’re off to the future once more in Sarah Crossan’s young adult saga, which tells of a desiccated Earth where humanity is at the mercy of an oxygen-manufacturing corporation.
Jen’s Character: Alina, an adventurous youngster who steals a couple of canisters of breathable air and sets off exploring. Needless to say, what she discovers is rather revelatory…

Battle Angel
The Franchise: A post-apocalyptic Manga in which a cyborg is prized off the scrapheap by a cybernetics doctor and restored to life. Naturally, her next step is to become a badass bounty hunter!
Jen's Character: Jen would play Alita, the cyborg in question, who struggles to piece together her fragmented memory as she takes down various cyborg criminals.

The 39 Clues
The Franchise: Steven Spielberg is already sitting on the rights to this ten book series following the adventures of the Cahill family, a prestigious line of geniuses, now divided into five specific branches, each of which is searching for their ancestors' secret: a compound which blesses the owner with ultimate power.
Jen's Character: She's a bit too old to play protagonist Amy Cahill, so we'd cast Jen as her feisty au pair, Nellie.

The Franchise: Matt Murdock is due a big-screen reincarnation, and the rights are soon to revert to Marvel. We'd like to see them pursue Joe Carnahan for his gritty, '70s-inspired take on the blind superhero.
Jen's Character: We'd love to see Jen appear as Typhoid Mary, one of Kingpin's pawns who Daredevil falls for, despite his better judgement. A split-personality sexpot with attitude to burn.

The Franchise: Humanity has come a cropper once again in Heather Anastasiu’s saga, where humans have been implanted with an emotion-suppressing computer chip by a shadowy cabal known as The Community. However, some of said chips begin to experience glitches…
Jen’s Character: Jen plays Zoe, one of the aforementioned “glitchers”, who begins to discover feelings and gradually establishes an identity of her own. A rebellious one, as it turns out!

The Franchise: Garth Ennis's comic-book series, following the exploits of supernaturally powerful preacher Jesse Custer, the product of the unnatural coupling of an angel and a demon. Conflicted much?
Jen's Character: She'd play Jesse's ex-girlfriend, Tulip O'Hare, a brilliant marksman who still carries a torch for her former beau.

Chaos Walking
The Franchise: Lionsgate have already snapped up the rights to Patrick Ness's celebrated trilogy, with Charlie Kaufman already at work on a script. The story (set in a dystopian future, of course) follows young Todd Hewitt as he clashes with his home town's oppressive mayor, a man who has consolidated his power by suppressing his citizens' knowledge of the outside world.
Jen's Character: Jen plays Viola Eade, an ally of Todd's who helps him rally his fellow citizens against the mayor's regime.

The Franchise: A steamy alien invasion saga in which a young man discovers a mysterious naked girl lying by the side of the road. Back at his house they end up having sex, only for her to give birth to a brood of identical copies. She's an alien you see…
Jen's Character: Local townsfolk versus a swarm of sex-mad Jennifer Lawrence clones? Sold!

The Mortal Instruments
The Franchise: Cassandra Clare's tale of a magically gifted girl who joins a gang of super-powered teens to fight the good fight in a city crawling with werewolves, witches and wizards. Would you believe it's quite popular?
Jen's Character: This one is already in production with Lily Cole in the leading role. We'd have her crop up in the first sequel, playing against type as the timeless demon, Lillith.

Street Angel
The Franchise: Superhero satire in which 12-year-old skater Jesse fights off all manner of ninjas, monsters and, er, pirates with her martial arts knowledge. And her board.
Jen's Character: Yeah, we know Lawrence can't pass for 12, but age her up a bit and Bob's your uncle.

Dr. Strange
The Franchise: One of Marvel's best-loved characters yet to be portrayed on-screen, Dr. Strange is a gifted surgeon who becomes a powerful magician after seeking the help of The Ancient One to mend his accident-damaged hands.
Jen's Character: What about Jen for Clea, the Doctor's lover who turns out to be the niece of his great foe, Dormammu…

The Haunting Of Alaizabel Cray
The Franchise: The tale of Thaniel Fox, a "whych-hunter" extraordinaire, plying his trade in a version of Victorian London that's fair crawling with demons. Never a dull moment for Thaniel then, but things get even more exciting when his latest assignment brings him into conflict with a shadowy group known as The Fraternity.
Jen's Character: We'd cast Lawrence as the titular Alaizabel, a luckless damsel who finds herself possessed by wych magic. Nasty.

The Franchise: A WW2-set mini-series from Garth Ennis, with an ssue dedicated to three different storylines, one featuring a tank battle, another focusing on a British nurse and the third following an all-female regiment of Soviet bombers.
Jen's Character: We'd have her as the commanding officer in the Night Witches segment. Best brush up on your Russian, Jen!

For Darkness Shows The Stars
The Franchise: A dystopian re-working of Jane Austen’s Persuasion , in which an anti-technology caste system has created an upper class of Luddite nobles, after a bout of failed genetic testing ravages the population. We smell a rebellion in the offing…
Jen’s Character: Jen is Elliott, a member of the elite who finds herself questioning her values when a group of rebels rises up to challenge the established order.

The Eternals
The Franchise: Jack Kirby's superhuman collective, created to be the protectors of Earth by the alien race of Celestials, and perennially locked in battle with the evil Deviants.
Jen's Character: Astarte, an Eternal blessed with superhuman strength and the ability to make males fall in love with her and do her bidding. A perfect fit, no?

The Last Vampire
The Franchise: Christopher Pike's seven-book saga following the 5,000 year life of Sita the vampire, believed to be the last surviving member of her kind.
Jen's Character: Sita might be five millenia old but she doesn't look it, assuming the form of a beautiful woman.

The Franchise: Dan Wells imagines an alternative future in which humanity has been all but wiped out by a combination of a deadly virus, and a race of engineered beings that look like humans. Curse man’s overreaching ambition. Curse it to hell!
Jen’s Character: Jen plays Kira, one of the few thousand human survivors, who embarks on a quest to discover why the Partials turned against their makers in the first place.
George was once GamesRadar's resident movie news person, based out of London. He understands that all men must die, but he'd rather not think about it. But now he's working at Stylist Magazine.