50 Coolest Star Wars Flickr Pics
Fans feeling the Force...

Darth Pramface
Possibly the least practical fun-run getup we've ever seen, but that lucky kid won't care one bit. Not least because he's being carried.
Flickr account: anthonygrimley

Imperial Spokestrooper
Should it worry us that a news channel is relying on reports from fictional antagonists? Perhaps this is a vox pop. About, like, the new bus routes or something. In fact we really hope it is.
Flickr account: Jape Wisteria

The Sandman Cometh
We'd turn around if we were this bloke - those Tusken dudes don't half honk.
Flickr account: billythecoker

What, No Blaster?
Target practise gets expensive when your weapon decimates anything it hits. So, on training days, budget-conscious Imperial forces kick it old skool.
Flickr account: Jedinate

Attack Of The Tits
Surprisingly SFW, even though there are gratuitous nuts in the shot too.
Flickr account: t.wat

Steam Wars
A slightly less long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Like, say, around 1892.
Flickr account: starsprinkles

Oh, the humanity! Won't someone please think of the children?
Hang on - it was the children that did this, wasn't it...?
Flickr account: Neato Coolville

Lando Loafers
We have absolutely no idea what's going on in this image, but the captioning on the Flickr page made us cackle like a rutting Tauntaun.
Flickr account: Monkey River Town

Space Style
The first magazine fashion spread we've ever seen that would hold our attention for more than four seconds.
Flickr account: Parka81

Rad Radio Control
Our cherished cars, boats and helicopters suddenly look awfully lame. How long is it until Christmas?
Flickr account: westofhouse

Photoshop Force
One of the more impressive photo tweaks we stumbled across - the moody lighting is ace, but we're a little irked by the jeans. If a job's worth doing, etc...
Flickr account: tony sak

Art Attack
This would actually look pretty cool on our wall. Or any wall, for that matter. But especially ours.
Flickr account: Matt Dye

Oh, Wheely?
Imagine pulling up at the traffic lights in this bad boy! Try not to imagine breaking down on the hard shoulder of the M6 in it though.
Flickr account: westofhouse

D2 Diet?
Old R2 has lost a heck of a lot of weight recently. In fact, we think he's gone a bit too far now - time to get back on the Space Cakes. Or whatever.
Flickr account: Ole wa Jian

Barking You Must Be
About eight hundred different kinds of wrong. And yet so, so right.
Flickr account: Gillespee

Naboo Starfighter
2 miles to the gallon? We'll take it. And no, we won't bother with the optional tinted windows, ta - we're not show-offs, y'know.
Flickr account: ndiver5

Nice Set-Up
We don't remember seeing the red bucket on Luke's homeworld, though - perhaps some local kids were off playing Emperor's Royal Guards with it at the time.
Flickr account: Roland :: Nienke

Sarlacc Impression Win
That is precisely the expression we'd be wearing if we found that playset for under fifty bucks. Well, until we realised we were probably too old to justify buying it, and sulked all the way home.
Flickr account: Valeria on the dotted line

There's nothing about this little dude we don't adore.
Apart from the fact that the words "shirtless" and "sexy" have been used to describe it in the Flickr caption. Which is frankly somewhat bewildering.
Flickr account: wreckk

Attack Of The Clothes
It's her ex-boyfriend's, apparently. He must've REALLY driven her nuts to justify revenge thievery of this magnitude - we'd be gutted to lose that shirt.
Flickr account: parisienne.love

There isn't a tremendous amount needs adding to this image. Suffice to say, we'd eat here EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Flickr account: lungstruck

R2 Goes Postal
We might even be tempted to start writing actual letters to our loved ones again if we had one of these on our street.
Flickr account: DesertCub86

Not that we're saying the whole 'space opera' backstory thing is completely insane or anything.
Well, ok, yes we are. It's insane. Completely.
Flickr account: Anonymous9000

Varga You Than Me
An old cartoon from Mad magazine that, in parodying the wildly complex relationships between Star Wars characters, actually managed to foretell certain events in the later installments.
We're worried about Varga though. She just doesn't look well.
Flickr account: Drhaggis

Hardcore Pawn
We'd gladly put up with the wholy inevitable thrashing for a go on this beauty.
Flickr account: Brick Alchemist

Somebody's going to have their graphics tablet confiscated. And probably their throat crushed too. Tsk, tsk.
Flickr account: adfern2009

Hot(h) Brushwork
Awesome artsiness that we'd be proud - although probably girlfriendless, let's face it - to hang in our homes.
Flickr account: cstar new

It's loads better than that Portaloo Stonehenge thing, at any rate...
Flickr account: Paul Cook Photography

Obead-Wan Kenobi
We love this pixelly pop art - at first we thought it was a video game sprite, but it's actually those little melty beads that you press with an iron. Top crafting, that Flickr user!
Flickr account: pixgraff

Chewie Hugs
Why didn't we have one of these plushy Chewbacca dolls when we were kids? Gah, our parents clearly never loved us. SULK.
Flickr account: STARWARS.KOREA.Ebsolute

Queen Of Costumes
Top marks for effort and execution here - we've no idea whether or not that hair piece is real, but it must weigh a ton either way. Neck brace tomorrow, we reckon.
Flickr account: Linnette Alissa

Dark Side Or Bust
There's absolutely no way we'd allow this in our house - imagine stumbling to the bathroom in the middle of the night, only to run into this in the hallway - but it's a pretty stunning bit of photorealistic sculpture. Mightily impressive.
Flickr account: artist.proof

Chew Backie
This probably wasn't quite what C-3PO had in mind when Chewie offered him a lift home. Still, we're sure he's too prim and proper to grumble. Much.
Flickr account: Linnette Alissa

Slavish Devotion
Fairly inevitably, we spent a disproportionate amount of time on the Leia gold bikini fan homages. Just to make sure we picked you a good one, y'know.
Flickr account: Joits

Little Trooper
This kid is too awesome - we want one. We'd feed it and walk it and everything, honest.
Flickr account: Glenn Loos-Austin

On Yer Bike
From the very top of the 'WTF?' pile. For some reason, we can't stop looking at this one. It's...well, it's just mental, really.
Flickr account: Chris Bartlett

This isn't the first time we've seen Mr Vader looking distinctly effete. We're sure it'll be the last though. Ahem.
Flickr account: MarcusHadlock

Family Values
Definitely the coolest household on the block. Look at the little Ewok dude down the front! We want to go play with these guys after dinner. Every day. Actually, sod it - can we just live at their house?
Flickr account: mcclure411

Nice forced perspective on this one - somehow makes us feel a bit gippy, but in a weirdly good way.
Flickr account: riffsyphon1024

That's No Moon
The only thing that could make Pink Floyd's amazing The Dark Side Of The Moon any better is if it somehow synched with Star Wars, as opposed to its alleged compatibility with The Wizard Of Oz .
Still, this natty reworking of the album's iconic cover art is a nice compromise.
Flickr account: rubatacchini

She makes us feel a bit funny. Well, its either her that does it, or all that sleek white plastic moulding. We can't even tell any more. Help us.
Flickr account: Femtrooper Julie

Gotta Han It To Him
We SO hope this is one of those 'man riding an ostrich' designs, with a little pair of fake man-legs dangling down limply at the front. Although we suspect it probably isn't.
Flickr account: Photo Knight

City Slickers
It's something about the composition of this one that makes it a winner - the shamelessly macho posturing of the Stormtroopers against that Philly skyline is just ridiculous, especially given the blazing sun.
Also, anything with Boba Fett in it is an automatic win, obviously.
Flickr account: Darryl W. Moran

If we owned a pair of these, we'd actually use them so often that we'd no longer humiliate ourselves every time we go for sushi. Our lives would be different. And we would be better.
Flickr account: Nathanrwong

This Imperial army isn't really quite as blood-curdlingly terrifying as it likes to make out, is it?
Flickr account: Anoushka88

Toys R Ace
We had to examine this pretty closely to work out whether it was a toy or...well, not real , obviously...but, um...oh ok, whether it was real. (It's not, it's a toy. Sigh.)
Flickr account: Toy Master

No Tanlines
RIght, that's it Darth - we're officially not scared of you any more, you great dandy!
Oh god, no, not the neck thing - we didn't mean it WE DIDN'T MEA-...*ghhgaghhgah*
Flickr account: limpfish