5 essential tips for breaking a gaming World Record (from an official Guinness adjudicator)

3. Anger management is important

We all know how serious people can be about getting a perfect run on their game of choice, but I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen someone stand up from a console, throw their controller down and prance off in disgust. I think it’s pretty specific to speed running. The difference between feeling like you’re on the right line and knowing that you’ve mistimed that vital jump can be crushing, especially with the pressure of having someone like me watching over your shoulder. Even so, there’s no excuse for behaving like a spoilt little girl that’s just been told she can’t have another pony.

Advice: Consider Buddhism. Applying Zen philosophy to your speed running could help you shave valuable seconds off your time.

Above: We're guessing it's not easy to storm out of this. You're looking at the longest gaming session in indoor freefall, which lasted 18 min 52 sec and was achieved by [N] Gamer and Jesse Moerkerk (Netherlands) at Indoor Skydive Roosendaal, Netherlands, on 11 January 2011. That's Gaz in the background

4. Evidence is not just for the police

Every week I’ll get about a dozen emails saying “Oh hai. I got this amazing score on Wand of Gamelon. My brother was there and he saw me do it. I can haz record plz?”. Sometimes I dare to hope that they have a recording of this incredible feat of gaming prowess, but I’m always disappointed. The whole point of applying to Guinness World Records is to get some recognition for what you’ve done, so make sure you can actually prove what you’re claiming. And don’t get upset if we don’t believe you.

Advice: Get some recording equipment. There are some decent ones available for pretty cheap online.

Above: A video like this, along with signed witness statements from respected experts in your chosen field can be enough

5. Show us your gear

The world of gaming records is like an infinite rabbit hole filled with very opinionated rabbits, and sometimes the difference between an easy challenge and an impossible one is as simple as a version number or a release date. For speed runners, the difference between a run on an NTSC console versus a PAL one is enormous. In fact, Super Mario Kart record holder Sami Cetin is almost 2 seconds slower on a European console than an American one. All this means it’s important to tell us EXACTLY what console and set-up you’re using.

Advice: Make sure the evidence you send us includes photos of your console, photos of the box the game you’re playing came in and details of the exact settings you used.

Guinness World Records 2012 Gamer’s Edition is out now. For more information visit

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