3DS release date and price to be revealed September 29

When we first saw the 3DS at E3, I think everyone agreed that right release date for the 3DS should be %26ldquo;immediately,%26rdquo; and the price should be %26ldquo;whatever you want, just give it to me now!%26rdquo; Still, Nintendo has been cagey with any details for the fancy new handheld. But hot on the heels of rumors that it will launch in Japan in October, Nintendoannouncedit will finally hold a press conference on September 29 where all will be revealed.

Above: Maybe if we hold our breath and stamp our feet, Nintendo will release this now

The timing seems to be based around the Tokyo Game Show, Japan%26rsquo;s answer to E3, which is happening Mid-September. Traditionally Nintendo sits out the actual show but usually has major announcements timed around it. In past years, Nintendo has premiered the Wii Remote and announced new games and system price cuts during the TGS time frame. So it makes sense that the publisher would schedule such big news around the event this year as well.

Rumors of the price and date have been swirling since Nintendo announced the 3DS. On Jimmy Fallon%26rsquo;s talk show in late June, Nintendo big wig Reggie Fils-Aime said it comes outnext year, then Nintendo corrected him saying it could come sooner. Though we do know with relative certainty it will be out byMarch 31, 2011. And what will it cost? Vague reports are all we have, but it's looking expensive, with a couple retailers putting it in the$200/%26pound;140 range. Sadly, it seems that the only way to get answers is through endurance and patience. Boo!!!

Jul 29, 2010

Henry Gilbert

Henry Gilbert is a former 12DOVE Editor, having spent seven years at the site helping to navigate our readers through the PS3 and Xbox 360 generation. Henry is now following another passion of his besides video games, working as the producer and podcast cohost of the popular Talking Simpsons and What a Cartoon podcasts.