343 Industries will start Halo Infinite beta testing "as soon as we can"

Halo Infinite
(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

The first Halo Infinite beta could be coming relatively soon, according to a new teaser from developer 343 Industries

In a recent blog post, which also touches on plans for Halo Infinite cross-play support and the advanced features available on PC, live producer Sam Hanshaw discussed 343's goals for external playtesting on the next Halo.

"We’ve been conducting external flights and playtesting with a very small external group representing a variety of backgrounds," Hanshaw said. "Getting to see folks outside the company experience the game for the first time is a thrill. The feedback we’ve been getting has been heartening in many areas, and impactful in others. Seeing a turnaround in opinion based on changes is truly gratifying. 

"Rest assured, now that we’ve gotten our feet wet over the last couple of months, we’re progressing towards expanding playtesting opportunities as soon as we can, so keep those Halo Insider profiles updated!"

Members of the Halo Insider program are among the first to receive updates and opportunities regarding playtests like betas, as well as surveys and other points of feedback. The staggered rollout of Halo: The Master Chief Collection saw several opportunities for insiders, for reference. Of course, after Hanshaw's tease, we're most interested in the possibility of Halo Infinite beta invites going out sometime in the coming months. 

You can sign up for the Halo Insider program and opt into potential testing opportunities here

Halo Infinite is still scheduled to launch later this year, and according to Spartan Griffin actor Verlon Roberts, we'll see it sometime in November. 

Austin Wood

Austin freelanced for the likes of PC Gamer, Eurogamer, IGN, Sports Illustrated, and more while finishing his journalism degree, and he's been with 12DOVE since 2019. They've yet to realize that his position as a senior writer is just a cover up for his career-spanning Destiny column, and he's kept the ruse going with a focus on news and the occasional feature, all while playing as many roguelikes as possible.