30 Greatest Movie Mash-Ups
All aboard the genre-blender...

The Dark Knight vs. Wolverine
Movies Being Mashed: We’re in fanboy heaven as Marvel and DC’s finest go head-to-head in a fight to the finish.
Whoever cut this together has done a particularly bang-up job with some epic-looking action sequences and even a proper plot! Bravo.
Anything In Common? Violent loners, coming to terms with their status as outsiders and channelling their rage against those who deserve it most? Yeah, there are a few similarities!
If It Was A Full Length Film: It looks like a pretty solid crossover tale, with Bruce Wayne funding the Weapon X programme that made Wolverine how he is.
Forget Batman vs. Superman , we want to see this one made!

Star Wars vs. Snatch
Movies Being Mashed: Since Vader’s mouth never moves, the character is ripe for a bit of audio tinkering, and this dub-job with Brick Top from Snatch is the best of the bunch.
Anything In Common? A cracking story, slowed down somewhat by a cast of irritating supporting characters…
If It Was A Full Length Film: We would be there in a heartbeat for more of this sort of dialogue: “The Death Star plans are not in the main computer.” “Are you taking the piss?”

Reservoir Dogs vs. TMNT
Movies Being Mashed: Tarantino’s smart-mouthed crime caper meets a bunch of men in latex turtle costumes.
It shouldn’t work, but some of the dialogue (particularly the bit where Lawrence Tierney is doling out the colour-based monikers) seems to fit perfectly.
Anything In Common? There’s at least one rat in both crews…
If It Was A Full Length Film: Tarantino hasn’t done a comic-book adaptation as yet, so we wouldn’t put it past him. We bet he’d get a kick out of this trailer in any case!

Showgirls vs. Black Swan
Movies Being Mashed: An OTT, sexually exploitative slice of pure schlock…and Showgirls !
Aha, see what we did there? Seriously though, dodgy lip-synching aside, this looks just like a recast replica of the Black Swan trailer! Brilliant stuff.
Anything In Common? Both of them follow the story of a sweet young girl looking to make it in the dance industry. And Kyle Maclachlan and Vincent Cassell both play leery old perves.
If It Was A Full Length Film: Judging by the amount of boobs on show in this “trailer”, there would still be plenty of bums on seats!

True Grit vs. Toy Story
Movies Being Mashed: Woody and Buzz replace Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon respectively in this toy-based Western.
The court-room voice-over in which “Woody†is put on trial is a particular treat…
Anything In Common? The jealous, bickering dynamic between Cogburn and LeBeouf is the mirror image of Woody and Buzz’s love-hate relationship.
If It Was A Full Length Film: Pixar could do a lot worse than turning their hand to the Western genre. Just look how well it’s working out for Rango…

Saw vs. Wallace & Gromit
Movies Being Mashed: You have to question the twisted imagination that would throw everyone’s favourite claymation double-act together with Jigsaw’s infernal torture machines. Then again, it is a little bit brilliant…
Anything In Common? Wallace and Jigsaw are both talented inventors, although whilst Wallace’s contraptions help butter his toast, Jigsaw’s rip people’s faces open.
If It Was A Full Length Film: Poor old Gromit would have a real fight on his hands. A penguin wearing a rubber glove on his head is one thing, but this…

You Got Served vs. The Wizard Of Oz
Anything In Common? Erm, the message that friends have to stick together if they want to achieve anything? Yeah, we know, it’s tenuous…
If It Was A Full Length Film: We would be there in a flash, if only to see the flying monkeys get down to Fatman Scoop.

Pirates Of The Caribbean vs. The Goonies
Anything In Common? Why, the search for pirate gold of course! And the presence of a comic grotesque in the shape of Sloth and Mackenzie Crook respectively.
If It Was A Full Length Film: This is what they should have done for a Pirates sequel instead of the interminable guff we ended up with.

Ocean's Eleven vs. The Great Muppet Caper
Anything In Common? Kermit is probably the only actor working in Hollywood who could out-cool Clooney. These are two smooth customers.
If It Was A Full Length Film: We would love to see the muppets staring wistfully into the fountain display at the Bellagio casino.

Toy Story 2 vs. Requiem For A Dream
Anything In Common? Erm, they’re both love stories? Nope, we can’t think of two films more diametrically opposed!
If It Was A Full Length Film: Pixar would have a lot of irate parents on their hands!

Home Alone vs. I Am Legend
Movies Being Mashed: Poor little Kevin McCallister has been left at home all alone…just as the rest of humanity has been wiped out.
Faced with spending Christmas all by himself, things are about to get worse for poor Kevin, when the local zombie population comes looking for brains. But they hadn’t reckoned with just how resourceful one little kid can be…
Anything In Common? Will Smith and Macauley Culkin spend much of their respective movies padding round on their own, talking to themselves and watching movies.
If It Was A Full Length Film: We’d say Kevin was getting off easy. We’d rather face a horde of flesh-eating zombies than an angry Joe Pesci…

The Incredibles vs. Miami Vice
Anything In Common? We can remember several incidences of characters smiling in The Incredibles , which obviously places it a world away from Michael Mann’s grim crime saga.
If It Was A Full Length Film: We’d rather just have The Incredibles to be honest, but it would probably be an improvement on the po-faced Miami Vice !

The Dark Knight vs. Power Rangers
Movies Being Mashed: Christopher Nolan’s excellent bat-sequel and Bryan Spicer’s not-so-excellent Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie . Sit back and chuckle away at the shoddy visuals, whilst being dazzled by Heath Ledger’s ability to make anything look cool…
Anything In Common? Both of them are populated by bizarrely costumed oddballs who find themselves pitted against a grotesque but ingenious villain.
If It Was A Full Length Film: It would be a damn sight more entertaining than the original Power Rangers cut. What sort of name is Ivan Ooze for a villain anyway?

Star Wars vs. Tron Legacy
Movies Being Mashed: A smattering of different scenes from across the six Star Wars films, all bound together with dialogue from the recent Tron sequel.
Anything In Common? Aside from the obvious techno-wizardry, both films have daddy issues to spare!
If It Was A Full Length Film: The merchandising possibilities would be endless. An Imperial Lightcycle? Boxed? That would fetch a few quid on Ebay…

Lord Of The Rings vs. The A-Team
Movies Being Mashed: No fancy lip-synching here, just further proof that adding the A-Team theme tune makes everything at least 40% more awesome.
Anything In Common? Gimli and Baracus both share a penchant for continual bitching. But then again, they’re both pretty handy in a fight…
If It Was A Full Length Film: Imagine it! “Gimme that ring, fool!” Works for us…

Brokeback Mountain vs. Back To The Future
Movies Being Mashed: All that is required to turn the Back To The Future trilogy in to a homoerotic saga is some well-judged editing and the theme music from Brokeback Mountain .
Anything In Common? They both feature a mismatched double-act, but that’s about as far as it goes. Unless we’re missing something between Marty and the Doc…
If It Was A Full Length Film: Our childhood illusions of a generation-spanning friendship would be dashed…

Crash vs. Finding Nemo
Movies Being Mashed: Paul Haggis’ Oscar-winning race relations drama meets a story about a missing fish.
Anything In Common? Both films make a shameless grab for your heart-strings, and both reach fever pitch when a father believes their child to be dead. Stirring stuff.
If It Was A Full Length Film: Racial equality might be a little bit heavy for a Pixar film, but then again, Wall-E and Up were pretty challenging, so why not?

Dumb & Dumber vs. Inception
Movies Being Mashed: T he Farrelly Brothers gross-out masterclass is transformed into a adrenaline-pumping thriller with the addition of Hans Zimmer’s Inception score.
Anything In Common? They both present an intriguing dissection of the metaphysical, leaving you questioning just how much of what you saw was real. Oh no wait, that’s just Inception .
If It Was A Full Length Film: This looks like it could be even creepier than Cable Guy . It’s time for Carrey to do the old Robin Williams switcheroo and become a fully-fledged bad guy.

A Hard Day's Night vs. Shaun Of The Dead
Anything In Common? Just as Shaun has Ed as his useless sidekick, so do John, Paul and George have Ringo.
If It Was A Full Length Film: We’d certainly be watching on the off-chance of seeing Paul McCartney torn limb from limb…

Team America vs. Captain America
Movies Being Mashed: The Captain America teaser had only been on the web a few days before this inevitable mash-up hit YouTube.
Anything In Common? A love of the good old stars and stripes, and some seriously kick-ass heroes. Fuck yeah, indeed.
If It Was A Full Length Film: We’d like to see the Red Skull singing Ronery !

The Matrix vs. Fight Club
Movies Being Mashed: Morpheus is Tyler Durden in this ace mash-up of two of the best movies from 1999.
Anything In Common? Ed Norton’s blind faith in Tyler’s way of life is a virtual mirror image of the way Morpheus grooms Neo.
If It Was A Full Length Film: Sub in Tyler’s nihilistic ethos for The Matrix ’s pompous philosophising? Yes please.

Mean Girls vs. Disney
Movies Being Mashed: Tina Fey’s supremely bitchy high-school comedy, recast with a host of the Mouse House’s finest leading ladies.
Anything In Common? Ariel and Sleeping Beauty are the spit of Lohan and Rachel McAdams. Although Ariel looks a bit healthier than Lindsay does these days…
If It Was A Full Length Film: Disney would clean up. An animated film aimed at teenage girls? Kerching!

Robin Hood vs. Braveheart
Anything In Common? Both Robin and William Wallace risk their necks to bring down a wicked English King. This plan works out better for one than the other…
If It Was A Full Length Film: Somebody would have to be drafted in to replace Gibson. We know what we said earlier, but Disney aren’t about to give him a call any time soon…

Transformers vs. Terminator
Anything In Common? A pair of wooden lead performances, although whilst Bale is phoning it in, this is Shia firing on all cylinders…
If It Was A Full Length Film: It would probably be no dumber than the last Transformers instalment. And Arnie is looking for a comeback project…

Avatar vs. Pocahontas
Movies Being Mashed: James Cameron’s 3D tale of environmental rape and pillage vs. Disney’s 2D tale of, er, environmental rape and pillage.
Anything In Common? Yes. They are essentially two of the same film.
If It Was A Full Length Film: Maybe Disney should re-release Pocahontas in 3D…it looks like they’d have a ready-made market!

Gran Torino vs. Up
Movies Being Mashed: Clint’s gruff, tough old bastard translates remarkably well to the gruff, tough old bastard at the heart of Up .
Anything In Common? Bristly on the outside, heart of gold on the inside. The films’ respective protagonists are two peas in a pod.
If It Was A Full Length Film: It would never happen. You just don’t turn Clint into a toon. The man wouldn’t stand for it…

The Dark Knight vs. Toy Story
Movies Being Mashed: Two mash-up favourites go head to head as the Dark Knight trailer is spoofed by Woody, Buzz and Co.
Anything In Common? The Joker and Batman, much like Woody and Buzz, are apair of bitter rivals who actually turn out to have rather a lot in common.
If It Was A Full Length Film: Christian Bale could ham up his Batman growl to his heart’s content. You can push things even further in a cartoon…

Scott Pilgrim vs. The Last Airbender
Movies Being Mashed: Edgar Wright’s slacker epic goes up against The Last Airbender .
Anything In Common? A heroic, but slightly dopey looking protagonist and some heavy-duty action sequences.
If It Was A Full Length Film: Shyamalan could have kick-started his career, if only he’d asked Edgar Wright for a little help with the script…

Revenge Of The Sith vs. Clerks
Movies Being Mashed: The lip-synching on this one is all over the show, but we’ve included it because the blowjob discussion is one of the funniest scenes in Clerks , and Ewan McGregor’s entrance here is just priceless…
Anything In Common? Anakin and Dante both see their love lives end up in the toilet before their respective films are out…
If It Was A Full Length Film: Sam Jackson as Jay? Oh hell yes…

Napolean Dynamite vs. Quantum Of Solace
Movies Being Mashed: Bond gets a makeover in the form of Jon Heder’s geeky outsider.
Anything In Common? Both Bond and Napoleon share a pathological inability to form lasting relationships with the opposite sex.
If It Was A Full Length Film: Picture the scene…”The name’s Dynamite. Napoleon Dynamite.” Who wouldn’t want to see that?
George was once GamesRadar's resident movie news person, based out of London. He understands that all men must die, but he'd rather not think about it. But now he's working at Stylist Magazine.