2011 Blog Awards: Best Fan Blog Nominees
Check out the shortlisted sites and what they're fans of...

365 Horror Movie
Who are they? Micah and his dog Ash
What do they do? I am attempting to watch and review 365 horror films over the course of one year (kicked off in March of 2010).The project started out as a bet not long after I watched a movie about a chick who did something similar with a French cookbook. Yes, that movie, please don't tell anyone I watched it - deal?
Example post: Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde
Every story needs updated (right?) and Hammer Studios was just the group to turn the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde formula upside down.
Along the way they added in Jack The Ripper and the famous grave robbers Burke and Hare (their tale was recently made into a flick starring Simon Pegg and directed by John Landis).
Anyway, Hammer took a lot of liberties and threw together a bunch of stories and came up with Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde. Is it any good? Well, as far as Hammer flicks are concerned, it’s actually quite enjoyable in a silly kinda way.

Chuck Norris Ate My Baby
URL: www.chucknorrisatemybaby.com
Who are they? Matt House
What do they do? Chuck Norris Ate My Baby is my main stomping ground to post whatever the hell I feel like, including reviews, sick dance parties, nude photos of myself and whatever random crap that falls from my noggin.
Example post: CNAMB's Worst Films of 2010
The Road - I just don't know what it is about The Road that peeved me off so much, well I do, but I am not sure why my unimpressed feeling slowly became a complete feeling of despise [sic] for the film over time.
It looked great, it captured an apocalyptic setting that needed to be captured, Aragorn was solid, as always, and this generation's Lance Henriksen, Garret Dillahunt, even makes an appearance. What's not to like?
Well, let's start with Kodi Smit-McPhee, who's character, Boy, was quite awful and just plain annoying from start to finish. His dialogue constantly drove me up the wall, and how could any kid grow up in the apocalypse and not begin to form some sense of balls?

Who are they? Kimberly Lindbergs
What do they do? Cinebeats chronicles one woman's love affair with '60s & '70s era cinema. Or as she [Kimberly Lindbergs] likes to call it, cinema's Platinum Age!
Example post: Anne Francis in The Satan Bug (1965)
I was disappointed to learn that Anne Francis had passed away on January 2, 2011, so I decided to revisit one of her best films, John Sturges’ action-packed sci-fi thriller The Satan Bug (1965).
Sturges is an undervalued director and like many of Sturges’ movies, The Satan Bug deserves much more praise than its received since it’s initial release.
If you’re an Anne Francis fan or just enjoy smart stylish thrillers I highly recommend heading over to the Movie Morlocks where you’ll find my tribute to the actress and Sturges’ terrific film.

Cinema Fanatic
URL: cinema-fanatic.com
Who are they? Marya E. Gates
What do they do? I’ve been a watcher of movies all my life. I’ve been following the Oscars since I was 8 years old. I am now officially spilling this passion on to the internet. Won’t you all come along for the ride?
Example post: 15 Breakthrough Performers of 2010
Andrew Garfield made his debut in 2007 in the not-well received Lions For Lambs and the under-seen Boy A. Last year, he was fabulous in Terry Gilliam’s The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, sadly that too went a little under the radar.
This year, however, Garfield had two stand-out performances: as Tommy in the much-debated adaptation of Never Let Me Go and as Eduardo Saverin in David Fincher's Best Picture contender The Social Network.
Garfield has received multiple nominations for his performance in the latter and is widely considered a front-runner for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination next week. He’s also been named the new Spider-Man, which has begun filming already and is due out in theaters in 2012.

From Midnight, With Love
URL: frommidnight.blogspot.com
Who are they? The Mike
What do they do? The Mike began his youth by demanding ghost and monster stories, and was soon given three VHS [horror] tapes by his parents. Since then, he has embraced the wide world of cinema, and has always kept the bizarre, fantastic, and macabre close to his heart.
Example post: Midnight Movie of the Week #55 - The Illustrated Man
Before we officially name The Illustrated Man as this week's Midnight Movie of the Week, I have to give one disclaimer. There's a lot more naked Rod Steiger in this movie than most movies I would recommend to you all.
In fact, the amount of naked Rod Steiger in this movie can be quite uncomfortable at times. Like, really, ridiculously uncomfortable.
And then there's this weird looking guy, Robert Drivas, who co-stars and is naked when the film begins too... Which is also uncomfortable. But hey, naked dudes happen. We all had gym class growing up, we know it. We just have to move on.

Fuck Yeah! Harry Potter
URL: fuckyeahharrypotter.tumblr.com
Who are they? Rachel, Amanda, Erin, Bella and Rosa
What do they do? A very random (and highly amusing) assemblage of images, gifs, quotes and paraphernalia from the wizarding world of Harry Potter.
Example post: Dumbledore Quote
“ Curiosity is not a sin…. But we should exercise caution with our curiosity… yes, indeed. - Albus Dumbledore

Italian Film Review
URL: www.italianfilmreview.com
Who are they? Jenny Spencer (Editor), Nigel Maskell (Editor), Aaron Duenas, Aaron Stielstra, Brian Bankston, Chad Kaplan, Geof Capodanno, Jason Meredith, Jim Wilkes, Jonny Redman, Keith Brown, Michael Fredianelli, Mike Malloy, Paige Sands, Rob Talbot, Zachary Kelley
What do they do? Chronicling the strange vices of cult cinema, Italian Film Review ponders, critiques and delves headfirst into the wonderful world of Italian movie-making.
Example post: Crime Boss / I familiari delle vittime non saranno avvertiti (1972)
Impossibly tedious poliziotteschi with absolutely no imagination. Also, no thrills, good music, gore, dummies, squibs, or other amusing atrocities, and this disqualifies it from what is a pretty forgiving genre.
A boring Eurocrime? One scene of a gang member being cooked and reincarnated as a box of soap is not only unimaginatively filmed but is a gag lifted from Michael Ritchie's superior Prime Cut with Lee Marvin. And hot-dogs are funnier, anyway.

Japan Cinema
URL: japancinema.net
Who are they? Marcello Milteer (founder), Olivia Saldivar (Editor), Vikram Kamat (Editor), DJ White,
What do they do? A platform to discover wonderful new cinema, it’s also about discussing and sharing these discoveries. Since its creation, there have been over 500 reviews posted, which include festival discoveries, forgotten classics, Hollywood blockbusters, Interviews and Top 10 lists.
Example post: Top 10 Most Violent Anime Scenes
Violence, if done right, can push a story to be more compelling and intriguing. Often times, it does get pushed too far, but that’s why we love it.
Below are films or series of anime that are all extremely brilliantly bloody and I have tried to narrow it down to specific scenes. This list was particularly hard to do given the content but below I feel we have the best of the best…

URL: www.kindertrauma.com
Who are they? Uncle Lancifer and Aunt John
What do they do? Kindertrauma is about the movies, books, and toys that scared you when you were a kid. It’s also about kids in scary movies, both as heroes and villains. And everything else that’s traumatic to a tyke!
Example post: The Philadelphia Experiment
Once in a very great while, a movie comes along that seamlessly combines top drawer acting and mind-boggling special effects while exposing a shameful military cover-up.
1984’s The Philadelphia is not such a film; however it does have one card up its sleeve that trumps its inherent mediocrity and her name, my friends, is Nancy Allen!

Love Italian Movies
URL: www.loveitalianmovies.com
Who are they? Cheri Passell
What do they do? A one-woman love letter to Italian cinema, bolstered by news, reviews and opinions.
Example post: Manuale D'Amore 3 With Robert De Niro!
Manuale d'Amore 3 is going to be released in Italy on February 25 and it looks good!
This is the third installment of the Manuale d'Amore movies and the first two never made it to America but I have a feeling that this one will.
It's got De Niro. It's got Monica Bellucci. And it has a huge cast of some of Italy's best, including my favorite funny Italian, Carlo Verdone (Iris Blond).

Shadow And Act
URL: www.shadowandact.com
Who are they? Tambay Obenson, Wendy Okoi-Obuli and Sergio Mims
What do they do? A collective of writers, filmmakers, film critics and film enthusiasts, interested in discussing primarily film and filmmakers of the African Diaspora.
Example post: Black Panther Movie Is Back In Development At Marvel Studios
If this movie is going to happen then it needs to just freaking happen! I’m over talking about the possibility of it being made, who might be starring in it, etc.
A Black Panther movie has been “in the works” for almost 20 years now. Enough with the ambivalence; Just make the movie already! And if there’s really no interest in making it, then stop teasing us with shite.

The Hollywood Revue
URL: hollywoodrevue.wordpress.com
Who are they? Angela
What do they do? I’m a devoted classic film fan from Detroit. I’ve been around classic films for most of my life, but I didn’t start really getting interested in them until I was 14 years old. By 2005, my status as a classic film addict was fully cemented and I haven’t looked back since.
Example post: Hands Across the Table (1935)
Like so many other women, Regi Allen (Carole Lombard) longs for a way out of her mundane life. She’s tired of having to count her pennies, fighting the crowds on the subway, and she’s tired of having to do nails for a living.
Of course, the easiest way out of that life would be to marry a rich man and she’s determined to do just that.

The Lightning Bug's Lair
URL: www.thelightningbugslair.com
Who are they? T. L. Bugg
What do they do? Genre film fan site… “Five days a week. One year running. Reviews at your service.”
Example post: Maximum Overdrive
When a movie kicks off with an ATM machine telling the director he’s an asshole, that‘s a dangerous statement to make. This is especially true if the first-time director in question is coked out of his mind and promised in the trailer to “scare the hell out of you”.
This is doubly true if you’re Stephen King and, after famously pooh poohing Stanley Kubrick’s vision of The Shining, you also say in the trailer, “If you want something done right, do it yourself.”
On Dino De Laurentiis dime, the King of Horror went to Wilmington, North Carolina, to make good on his promise. There he brought to the screen his short story Trucks in the form of Maximum Overdrive, a movie that has been reviled and derided over the years.

The Poor Dancing Girl She Won't Dance Again
URL: oldfilmsflicker.tumblr.com
Who are they? Marya E. Gates
What do they do? Watcher of movies. taco lover extraordinaire. drinker of coffee. listener of music. I am obsessed with TCM.
Example post: CAREY MULLIGAN
THE LOOK: Existential pixie.
LIKELY TO BE SEEN IN: Lanvin, Vionnet, Prada.
CHANNELING: Twiggy, early Mia Farrow, Jean Seberg.
NOTABLE ENSEMBLES: Modest lace Miu Miu dress for Costume Institute gala; red Lanvin for the Directors Guild of America Awards.

The Vault Of Horror
URL: thevaultofhorror.blogspot.com
Who are they? Brian Solomon
What do they do? Although it often gets a bad rap from "mainstream" critics and audiences alike, horror has often been the most creative and vibrant movie genre of all, from Nosferatu to Saw. This blog is the culmination of my 25-year love affair with all things blood and guts.
Example Post: Tuesday to Scared to Watch It Twice: Week Three
House on the Edge of the Park (1980) : Make no mistake, this is not a movie for everyone. It took a full five years for it to be released in the U.S. Banned in Singapore, Finland, the U.K., Canada and Norway; denied ratings classification in Australia and also released unrated in America. One of Britain's notorious "video nasties". Chock full of rape, torture and sadism.
I cannot deny that this movie enthralled me. I found it distasteful at times, but nevertheless I was fascinated by it, and also cannot deny that it is a fine little piece of filmmaking, for what it is.
But there can be no question that it was designed to titillate, and to do so using some very questionable means. More than most of the movies today that get labeled "torture porn", this is a movie I would certainly classify as such.

The Black Box Office
URL: http://theblackboxoffice.com
Who are they? Daryle Lockhart, Margo Lockhart, Kam Williams, Jonathan Hailey, Reggie Ponder, Will Kannady, Shannitta Williams-Alleyne, Tara Lockhart, Ron Wynn
What do they do? TheBlackBoxOffice.com is all about the Global perspective of entertainment. Movies. Music. Books. Visual arts. We are dedicated to advancing, discussing, and exposing people to new art from around the world.
Example post: Beyonce to star in “A Star is Born” Remake
We actually think this may be a good thing for Mrs. Carter If Quincy Jones does the music this could be a great movie. Beyonce directed by Clint Eastwood might be a winner!
Will Smith is rumored to be the lead. Clint Eastwood will direct the long-gestating remake of A Star Is Born for Warner Bros.

Twilight Forever
URL: twilightforever.tumblr.com
Who are they? A large gaggle of Twi-hards
What do they do? A Twilight fan site run by fans for fans which posts just about everything to do with anyone who has ever appeared in the series.
Example post: Kristen Stewart is the featured cover story in the February issue of Vogue!
“Kristen Stewart’s body can tell a million stories. Kinetic, she jiggles, feints, and darts as she talks, hanging back, looking off to the side, signaling resistance, a combinative intelligence.
‘The word I always use for her is vulpine.” says Jack Scott, who recently directed her in Welcome To The Rileys, in which she plays a teenage runaway and lap dancer. ‘Foxlike. She’s got that way of moving and being that you often find in her performances, a sort of wiliness.”

Where Danger Lives
URL: http://wheredangerlives.blogspot.com/
Who are they? Mark
What do they do? I’m a college professor who loves classic films - primarily film noir, women’s pictures, MGM musicals, screwball comedies, and westerns. The purpose of the Where Danger Lives blog is to examine crime films (not necessarily always film noir) that are relatively obscure.
Example post: Appointment With Danger (1951)
Dark, violent, gritty, neurotic, fatal, sleazy, cheap - these weren’t typically part of the vernacular over at the Metro lot. It’s a shame that film noir isn’t somehow spelled with a B, the two go together so well.
Now that Appointment with Danger has been given a wide DVD release, I decided to finally look at my copy, lest I get left in the cold on the off chance it comes up in conversation.

Zombo's Closet Of Horror
URL: www.zomboscloset.com
Who are they? John Cozzoli
What do they do? Welcome to Zombos' Closet of Horror, a rather dark and cloying place, filled with untold treasures and just plain lousy stuff that Zombos keeps stuffing into it.
Example post: Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943)
Once Roy William Neal (The Scarlet Claw) directs the moonlight to inch across the floor in Talbot's tomb and then again in his room in Queen's Hospital, Jack Pierce's man-to-wolf transformation begins.
Talbot explains he's cursed, but the doctor believes him to be mad. Biting through his straitjacket during a moonlit night, Talbot hoofs it to Maleva the old Gypsy woman for help.
But Maleva (Maria Ouspenskaya) is of the old world and therefore powerless in this new age of medicine and science Talbot awakens in. She tells him only Doctor Frankenstein may possess the knowledge to help, and soon both are off to Vasaria.

URL: www.zombots.net
Who are they? The DM
What do they do? Zombots! takes a quasi-academic approach to horror criticism. That sounds terribly pretentious, but the truth of the matter is I love to read about horror and share what I've learned. It's not all fun and games, though. Sometimes I'll draw up an authoritative list, or simply post pictures of beer labels.
Example post: Skyline… Or Test Reel The Movie
I saw the teaser trailer for this movie and was immediately sold. I knew nothing about it - just that aliens invaded and sucked people up into the air and something about evil lasers...
As it turns out, the film doesn't have much to offer beyond that. Aliens arrive, start abducting people en masse and we're stuck in an LA condo with Eric Balfour. The drama is centered on the folks trapped in the building as they fight for their lives against the alien menace.
It's simple, it's straightforward. Sure, the interpersonal conflict is awkward and largely unnecessary, but you don't go to see a movie like Skyline for the character study.

John Wick 5 is still in the works, but Lionsgate isn't confirming Keanu Reeves' return just yet: "We're all on bated breath waiting to find out"

The Russo brothers say Avengers: Doomsday and Secret Wars will draw inspiration from multiple comics – which explains how Doctor Doom might fit into the story

John Wick 5 is still in the works, but Lionsgate isn't confirming Keanu Reeves' return just yet: "We're all on bated breath waiting to find out"

The Russo brothers say Avengers: Doomsday and Secret Wars will draw inspiration from multiple comics – which explains how Doctor Doom might fit into the story