2008's big games reviewed already!

Battlefield: Bad Company | Digital Illusions CE
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

We reckon...
Bad Company promises an exciting prospect - almost totally destructible environments. The raft of jokey teaser trailers hinted at a fairly successful attempt at humour and character from the usually straight-laced developer DICE, while in-game images go some way to convincing us that Bad Company could achieve both substance and style.

Our own hands-on experience and some impressive gameplay footage provide more than enough evidence that DICE has the freedom of destruction thing sorted. And with the developer's background in expansive, all-action gunfests, Battlefield: Bad Company is destined for big things.

But will it sell?
With the weight of EA's monstrous marketing budget behind Bad Company, the only way is up (the charts).

Knee-jerk verdict
The successfully integrated destruction and DICE's skilled gunplay action make Battlefield: Bad Company one of the games of the year. 10/10

Note: Please remember that these these 'reviews' are merely lighthearted scores based on nothing but our own arrogant prejudice and opinonated ego. Duh. We will review the game fully when it is released.

Battlefield: Bad Company | Digital Illusions CE
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

We reckon...
Bad Company promises an exciting prospect - almost totally destructible environments. The raft of jokey teaser trailers hinted at a fairly successful attempt at humour and character from the usually straight-laced developer DICE, while in-game images go some way to convincing us that Bad Company could achieve both substance and style.

Our own hands-on experience and some impressive gameplay footage provide more than enough evidence that DICE has the freedom of destruction thing sorted. And with the developer's background in expansive, all-action gunfests, Battlefield: Bad Company is destined for big things.

But will it sell?
With the weight of EA's monstrous marketing budget behind Bad Company, the only way is up (the charts).

Knee-jerk verdict
The successfully integrated destruction and DICE's skilled gunplay action make Battlefield: Bad Company one of the games of the year. 10/10

Note: Please remember that these these 'reviews' aremerely lighthearted scores based on nothing but our own arrogant prejudice and opinonated ego. Duh. We will review the game fully when it is released.

Ben Richardson is a former Staff Writer for Official PlayStation 2 magazine and a former Content Editor of 12DOVE. In the years since Ben left GR, he has worked as a columnist, communications officer, charity coach, and podcast host – but we still look back to his news stories from time to time, they are a window into a different era of video games.