2008's big games reviewed already!

Super Smash Bros. Brawl | Nintendo

We reckon...
The endless bursts of images and several trailers prove that Nintendo has preserved the Super Smash Bros. formula. Quelle surprise. However, theres more than a few new gubbins to liven up the party - a level editor, saved films feature new Mario-themed levels, Metal Gear Solid characters, Sonic the Hedgehog, a new-look Zelda... and so on. Though, let's be honest, we're hardly about to be blown away by sweeping changes to the the gameplay now, are we?

But will it sell?
Of course it'll sell. But, given the flopsy performance of Mario Galaxy (which didn't exactly rule the charts) it probably won't sell a huge amount compared to, say, Halo 3.

Knee-jerk verdict
It's so 'more of the same' as to be shameful, but we know the only shame felt will be ours as we hungrily get involved all over again. 8/10

Note: Please remember that these these 'reviews' are merely lighthearted scores based on nothing but our own arrogant prejudice and opinonated ego. Duh. We will review the game fully when it is released.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl | Nintendo

We reckon...
The endless bursts of images and several trailers prove that Nintendo has preserved the Super Smash Bros. formula. Quelle surprise. However, theres more than a few new gubbins toliven up the party - a level editor, saved films feature new Mario-themed levels, Metal Gear Solid characters, Sonic the Hedgehog, a new-look Zelda... and so on. Though, let's be honest, we're hardly about to be blown away by sweeping changes to the the gameplay now,are we?

But will it sell?
Of course it'll sell. But, given the flopsy performance of Mario Galaxy (which didn't exactly rule the charts) it probably won't sell a huge amount compared to, say, Halo 3.

Knee-jerk verdict
It's so 'more of the same' as to be shameful, but we know the only shame felt will be ours as we hungrily get involved all over again. 8/10

Note: Please remember that these these 'reviews' aremerely lighthearted scores based on nothing but our own arrogant prejudice and opinonated ego. Duh. We will review the game fully when it is released.

Ben Richardson is a former Staff Writer for Official PlayStation 2 magazine and a former Content Editor of 12DOVE. In the years since Ben left GR, he has worked as a columnist, communications officer, charity coach, and podcast host – but we still look back to his news stories from time to time, they are a window into a different era of video games.