20 Unseen Star Wars Images
Awesome art from the dark side and beyond...

Star Wars meets art gallery
Two clever takes on Grant Wood's iconic American Gothic painting. We prefer the straight adaptation on the left, with the subtle addition of just the lightsaber - love how it's reflected in the farmer's glasses.
[Source: Freaking News ]

Dali does Wars
What would Star Wars have become if Salvador Dali was the concept artist?
Something like this, we'd imagine. And kids would be getting a lot more nightmares after trips to the cinema. Which can only be a good thing!
Trivia note: It was inspired by Dali's The Elephants painting, which you can see here .

Good evening Alderaan!
Artist Hugh Fleming created this rock god-inspired image, and it now hangs near one of the entrances to Lucasfilm's San Francisco campus.
We just wonder if Vader crushes any throats on stage as his big finishing trick...
[Source: Hugh Fleming ]

Jabba's hippie days?
All we usually see of Jabba is him in his later years. But what if he had a wild, hairy youth?
Okay, so it's just a photoshopped Orangutan. But we still love it.
[Source: Sebastian Niedlich ]

Wars Sand Art
Sand art can be a wonderful thing. Though we're pretty certain C-3PO would have something to say about how chubby he looks in his sandy form.
And as for Yoda sitting on Darth Vader's lap? Now we're just weirded out...

LEGO chess
It might not be holographic chess (in which it is always best to let the Wookie win, by the way), but this LEGO chess model is just superb.
When two geeky obsessions meet, everyone's a winner.
Our favourite bit? The bolt-shooting Emperor.
[Source: Anthony Scanzani ]

But if you think chess sets are cool, you haven't seen anything yet. This Mandalorian armour was created for MegaCon in February this year.
It's almost entirely LEGO, except for the jumpsuit.
[Source: Wired ]

Diorama drama
One last, amazing piece of LEGO Wars artwork... This masterpiece is a miniature Hoth base and boasts almost every element from the Empire scenes set in the location.
You won't be surprised to learn that it took 4 years (and $3,000) to construct, with more than 55,000 pieces in total.
[Source: Brothers Brick ]

Falcon PC Case
Like LEGO, the computer case mod hobbyist faction has a lot of crossovers with Star Wars.
But some are better than others - check out this amazing Millennium Falcon mod.
Designer Russ Caslis also built a wireless mouse in the shape of an X-Wing - now that's dedication!
[Source: Russ Caslis ]

Dewback daddy
You might think that this desert-set image is concept art from the film itself.
But actually, it was commissioned for a sci-fi mag in 1975 and created by artist Ron Cobb.
And it even went on to inspire Lucas' own designs for the Dewbacks of Tatooine.
[Source: Kiel Bryant ]

Joe Jonhston's early days...
And now for some actual concept art from the original trilogy. First up, a design by Joe Johnston, a man now better known as the director of Jumanji, Jurassic Park III and currently slaving away on The Wolf Man.
He began his career at Lucasfilm, and worked on designs for Star Wars...
[Source: Star Wars Wiki]

McQuarrie original
Some more amazing, actual concept art, this time from the world's most famous SW artist, Ralph McQuarrie.
In what looks like an early draft piece for Jedi, this shows a mini Death Star standing guard over the main structure.
Would have been cool to see it in the movie, but we're betting the budget didn't allow for it...
( Editor's Note: The planet below may in fact by an early drawing of Coruscant, given the circular cityscape on the surface. According to Producer Gary Kurtz, one early idea for Jedi was going to involve a rebel attack on the Imperial capital).
[Source: Ralph McQuarrie ]

Stormtrooper regret
We love this one - a post-modern take on one of the biggest Stormtrooper goofs in Star Wars- letting his mind be clouded by Obi Wan.
Bet his pay got docked that day. Or worse...

Protest March trooper
Way to show your true colours, there, Trooper... This pink-clad ST waltzes past some very real-life armoured types in one of the better examples of Star Wars meeting real life we've seen.
This image is from the G20 London summit protests, in case you were wondering...

Snow White Wars?
Titled "Snow White And The Seven Stormtoopers", this nifty piece is by Ceth Stiefel, who seems to have a habit of blending Disney and Star Wars.
[Source: Ceth Steife l]

Star Wars Vs Paris
French artist Cedric Delsaux has done some amazing work manipulating images of Paris and adding more than a little Wars-set flavour.
Who wouldn't want to see AT-AT walkers tromping over the local scenery? Well, maybe not Rebel Forces. But everyone else.
[Source: Cedric Delsaux ]

More McQuarrie
More art from the genius brain/hands of Ralph McQuarrie, with these being concept T-shirt illustrations that never made it to fabric, and were lost for ages.
Thank goodness for the 'net!
[Source: O fficial Star Wars blog ]

Morning routine
This toaster was an exclusive that we saw at Comic-Con.
But you can imagine Darth having his image plastered all over the toast that his troopers eat in the morning?
And thinking of Stormtroopers in the morning, we also like the image of one such warrior getting ready for a day of interstellar civil war and being unable to shoot straight at heroes.
[Source: Register Hardware / Waihey]

Star World War Two
Did you know they had X-Wing fighters in the Second World War? Us neither. But here's the photographic evidence!
A slight mishap on the deck of the USS Long Island in 1942 after a botched landing.
This one has "origin unknown", but it's a truly astonishing piece of photoshop work. Or is it? (Cue dark music sting...)

Vader hits KFC Japan
Finally, the Dark Lord Of The Sith arrives in Japan, and immediately demands to known the 11 herbs and spices in Colonel Sanders' famous chicken.
[Source: Damny Choo ]
James White is a freelance journalist who has been covering film and TV for over two decades. In that time, James has written for a wide variety of publications including Total Film and SFX. He has also worked for BAFTA and on ODEON's in-cinema magazine.