20 of the best gaming vids on YouTube

YouTube, one of the single greatest things to come out of the Internet, is five today (the first video was uploaded on April 23, 2005). A mere baby in historical terms, but with significance beyond compare in the world of moving images.

Anyway, you know the rest. There's an ass-ton of gaming videos on there, some of which have become memes and Internet legends, leading to much more than five minutes of fame for those who appear in them. If you don't play games you probably don't know who Cliff Bleszinksi is, but you sure as hell have heard of Wii fit girl. And that's thanks to YouTube.

In case, you wondered, the below are not in any order, neither are we attempting to be exahustive - that would be a foolish task. However, if we've missed a bonafide classic that isn't a jammy Modern Warfare 2 knife kill or an obese child crying about his red ring, then let us know in the comments, on Facebook or via Twitter.

Playboy Girl plays Wii (SFW)

Guy makes amazing Wii head-tracking device

The Tunak Tunak meme infiltrates Battlefield 2

Human Tetris

Portal: A Day in the life of a Turret

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