20 Movie Themed Pancake Recipes
Celebrate Shrove Tuesday in style

The Chestburster Pancake
What You'll Need:
1 x Kiwi
3 tbsp Strawberry Jam
Directions: Make three pancakes (there's a great recipe here ). Pile them on top of each other in a stagger in order to create a human torso, and tear a hole in the centre. Smear the hole with strawberry jam. Cut the kiwi in half, and place it into the hole.
If You're A Real Geek: Carve the kiwi so that it resembles the newborn chestburster. May take a few tries.

The Ghostface Pancake
What You’ll Need:
1 x Can whipped cream
1 x Punnet blueberries
1 x Blackberry
Directions: Nice and simple. Make a pancake, then very carefully use a sharp knife to cut the outline of the scream mask into it. Remove the excess pancake. Slice up the blueberries, and use them to create the dark eyes and gaping mouth of the mask. Use a whole blackberry for the nose. Delicious.
If You’re A Real Geek: Record Ghostface’s catchphrase onto your iPhone and listen to them as you chomp.

The Superman Logo Pancake
What You’ll Need:
Yellow food dye
Red food dye
Directions: Make three pancakes. Leave one intact, but slice the other two into rectangular strips. Place these strips onto the intact pancake in order to form the raised ‘S’ symbol. Carefully brush with food dye until you have a perfect replica of Supes’ icon. Devour.
If You’re A Real Geek: Create Superman’s whole midriff using numerous pancakes and an assortment of food dyes.

The Death Star Pancake
What You’ll Need:
1 x Can whipped cream
1 x Toothpick
1 x Tub silver glitter flakes
Directions: Make two pancakes - a nice circular one (this might take a few attempts, but Rome wasn’t built in a day), and another to cut up. Lay the perfectly circular pancake out on a plate and cover in whipped cream. Then douse the entire thing with silver glitter flakes.
Now take a toothpick and draw curving lines through the glittery cream in order to create a spherical, 3D look. Add a small circular bit of pancake on top to give it the Death Star its eye-like weapon. Nom, nom, nom.
If You’re A Real Geek: Create an accompanying planet, which the Death star is about to eliminate.

The Gollum Pancake
What You’ll Need:
Pink food dye
Brown food dye
Liquid caramel
Blue smarties
Directions: Make a pancake, then slice it into the shape of a slightly swollen head. Brush the entire thing with pale pink food dye. Very carefully add freckly speckles using the brown food dye. Take the blue smarties and use them to make very large eyes, then drizzle the cranium with liquid caramel for whispy bits of hair. Use chopped off bits of pancake to make ears.
If You’re A Real Geek: Make before and after pancakes – one resembling Gollum, the other resembling Sméagol.

The Bates Motel Pancake
What You’ll Need:
Grey food dye
Green food dye
Chocolate Fingers
Jelly tots
Brown sugar
Directions: Make five pancakes. Cut them all into rectangles, then lay them out next to each other to make the motels, add more on top for the roof. Take the chocolate fingers and place them periodically along your stretch of pancakes as uprights for the roof.
Sprinkle brown sugar along the bottom of the pancakes to emulate gravel, then use green food dye to draw doors. Add jelly tots as lamps above the doors. Fin.
If You’re A Real Geek: Recreate the Bates mansion, and have it hanging forebodlingly near your creepy motel.

The DeLorean Pancake
What You’ll Need:
1 x Chocolate finger
Silver food paint
2 x Round black liquorice sweets
1 x Toothpicks
Directions: Make a couple of pancakes. Use a sharp knife to cut one into the outline of a DeLorean. Brush the DeLorean shape with silver food paint. Add black liquorice sweets for wheels, then place a chocolate finger on top as the lightning-catcher. Use a toothpick to carve windows into the silver food paint. Open doors optional. Voila!
If You’re A Real Geek: Make an accompanying Flux Capacitor Pancake

The Jason Voorhees Hockey Mask Pancake
What You’ll Need:
1 tsp Strawberry Jam
1 x Punnet blackberries
1 x Liquorice strip
Directions: Make a pancake and cut it into an oval shape. Place the liquorice strip at an angle as an axe wound, add a little strawberry jam for gore. Use the blackberries to make the eye and breathing holes in the hockey mask.
If You’re A Real Geek: Make another pancake of Jason’s unmasked, grisly visage using lots of food dye and extra pancakes for his misshapen head.

The Cartman Pancake
What You’ll Need:
Red, yellow and blue food dye
1 x Bag black liquorice
2 x Fried egg sweets
Directions: Make three big pancakes. Use two to create Cartman’s head and body, then cut the third pancake up to make a hat, his hands and his mischievous grin. Mix up the food dye and paint his hat, coat and hands. Then slice up the black liquorice to make his jaunty eyebrows and shoes. Use the fried egg sweets for eyes, with black liquorice covering up the yellow yokes.
If You’re A Real Geek: Create the whole gang!

The Fight Club Pancake
What You’ll Need:
Various food dye colours
8 x Jelly beans
Liquid caramel
Directions: Bit existential this one. Make three pancakes. Cut one into a head shape, and dye with pink food dye. Add jelly beans and liquid caramel for mouth, eyes and hair. (Note: it should at least slightly resemble Brad Pitt.) Then create a thought bubble using the second pancake, which leads to the third pancake that resembles Ed Norton.
If You’re A Real Geek: Make the film’s iconic soap bar, too.

The Apocalypse Now Pancake
What You’ll Need:
Black food dye
Icing sugar
2 x Black liquorice laces
1 x Toothpick
Directions: Create two pancakes. Use one to make the body of a helicopter, and the other to create the tale. Now take the black food dye, and paint the entire thing, before adding fine strips of black liquorice to create the mechanical bits (the ‘copter’s feet etc). Finally, use the icing sugar to make rotor blades, use toothpick to give them a motion blur.
If You’re A Real Geek: Create a fleet of them all engaged in fiery battle.

The Avatar Pancake
What You’ll Need:
Blue food dye
Icing sugar
1x Banana
Directions: Make one pancake and cut it into the shape of a svelte humanoid’s head. Use the blue food dye to give it a sapphire blush, then sprinkle with icing sugar to add those distinctive, glowy markings. Add slices of banana for cat-like eyes.
If You’re A Real Geek: Take a stab at making the giant flying Banshee. You might use up all your food dye, though.

The Planet Of The Apes Statue Of Liberty Pancake
What You’ll Need:
1 x Bag of Randoms sweets
6 x Chocolate fingers
Green food dye
Directions: Make a batch of pancakes. Use half of one to create the head of the Statue of Liberty, the other half to make her torso and extended arm. Dye green. Add chocolate fingers to the head for her crown, and put a Randoms ice cream sweet in her hand.
If You’re A Real Geek: Make a little Charlton Heston on his knees in horror.

The Rocky Horror Lips Pancake
What You’ll Need:
1 x Bag red liquorice
Directions: Easy as pie. Make a pancake, cut it into the shape of two big, plump lips. Take strings of red liquorice and lay in waves over the pancake until you have a very juicy-looking pair of lips. Frankenfurter would be proud.
If You’re A Real Geek: If you want teeth as well, use icing to create some perfectly pearly whites.

The Silence Of The Lambs Moth Pancake
What You’ll Need:
Food dye
1 x Paintbrush
Directions: A bit of a time-consuming one, but only if you’re a real perfectionist. Make a pancake, and cut it into three sections – two moth wings and a moth body.
Assemble on a plate. Now comes the tough bit – get a picture of the Silence Of The Lambs moth, and painstakingly recreate the intricate design of its wings. Note: might be stale by the time you get round to eating it.
If You’re A Real Geek: Recreate Hannibal’s most gruesome Francis Bacon inspired murder.

The Terminator Pancake
What You’ll Need:
Silver food paint
1 x Raspberry
Pink food dye
2 x tbsp Icing
3 x tbsp Chocolate sauce
Directions: Make one pancake, but rip it carefully down the middle. Overlap the two halfs very slightly, and paint one side pink, the other silver. Use icing to create the exposed teeth of the Terminator half. Add raspberry for a glowing red eye. Create eyebrows and hair using chocolate sauce. Magnifique!
If You’re A Real Geek: Create an accompanying metallic Terminator skeleton.

The Chucky Pancake
What You’ll Need:
5 tbsp Strawberry Jam
5 tbsp Icing
Directions: Make two pancakes. Shape the first into a round face, then rip the other one up to make scars. Place the scars onto the face, and add strawberry jam to give them a little bite. Use a knife to make stapler-like indents in the scar pancake strips. Create teeth and eyes using white icing.
If You’re A Real Geek: Make Chucky a companion in the form of doll lover Tiffany.

The Mr Potato Head Pancake
What You’ll Need:
5 x Food dye
1 x Body part cut-out slicers
Directions: Another simple one. Create two pancakes. Give one a trim so it's shaped like Mr Potato Head’s bonce. Now take the second pancake, and use your body part cut-outs to make his eyes, nose, ‘tach, mouth, ears, hat and arms. Use the food dye to dye his bits, then assemble them in their respective places.
If You’re A Real Geek: Create more accessories for our diminutive moaner.

The Slimer Pancake
What You’ll Need:
100g Green icing
1 tbsp Red food dye
Directions: Make two pancakes, and cut them carefully to make the body, head and arms of Slimer. Cover the entire thing in bright green icing, and use red food dye to give the fella a gaping red maw – all the better for eating with. Devour.
If You’re A Real Geek: Make a selection of food for Slimer to guzzle down...

The American Pie Pancake
What You’ll Need:
1 tbsp Apple sauce
Directions: A quick but delicious one to finish off. Make three pancake. Use one as the base, and cover it with apple sauce. Place a second pancake on top, making sure you create an all-important hole in it so some sauce pokes through. Then cut the third pancake into slices and apply as a pie-like rim. Tasty.
If You’re A Real Geek: Craft a flute using silver food paint. Just ‘cos.
Josh Winning has worn a lot of hats over the years. Contributing Editor at Total Film, writer for SFX, and senior film writer at the Radio Times. Josh has also penned a novel about mysteries and monsters, is the co-host of a movie podcast, and has a library of pretty phenomenal stories from visiting some of the biggest TV and film sets in the world. He would also like you to know that he "lives for cat videos..." Don't we all, Josh. Don't we all.