20 Movie Character School Reports
The happiest days of their lives...

Alex DeLarge
Clockwork Orange's teen tearaway...

Annie Wilkes
Source of James Caan's Misery...

Emmett Brown
Where he's going, they don't need roads...

Beatrix Kiddo
Sword-swinging killer of Bill...

Ellen Ripley
Alien 's badass broad...

Frank Drebin
Police work is dangerous...that's why he carries a big gun...

Hannibal Lecter
Glass of blood? Nice Chianti? He's not fussy...

Indiana Jones
Gun-slinger. Whip-cracker. Heart-breaker...

Jack Sparrow
Quick, hide the rum...

James Bond
Ask him what his name is, and how he likes his drinks...

John Kramer
Otherwise known as Jigsaw. Keep up please...

Jules Winnfield
Bad Muthafucka...

Marge Gunderson
Fargo 's indefatigable crimestopper...

Patrick Bateman
You wouldn't like him when he's angry...

Rocky Balboa
Mumbling American hero...

Ron Burgundy
His apartment smells of rich mahogany you know...

Tommy DeVito
How is he funny again? Oh yeah...

Travis Bickle
Vigilante-cum-taxi driver...

Vito Corleone
If he makes you an offer, say yes...

He's a trained actor, reduced to the state of a bum...
George was once GamesRadar's resident movie news person, based out of London. He understands that all men must die, but he'd rather not think about it. But now he's working at Stylist Magazine.