20 Amazing Star Wars Images
Super snaps from the stratosphere…

Robo Love
Why It's Amazing: It resembles a sneaky pap shot exposing Carrie Fisher’s love of cold, hard metal.
Insight Into The Saga: Not content with having Luke and Han Solo following her around like lovesick puppies, Leia wants robots to love her as well. What a princess.

A Long Time Ago
Why It's Amazing: Ever wondered how they made those opening crawls? Can’t say we had either – but here we get an amazing insight into all the effort that went into them.
Insight Into The Saga: Nothing is ever what it seems.

Pucker Up
Why It's Amazing: Empire Strikes Back director Irvin Kerschner plants one on his wheezing, shiny villain.
Insight Into The Saga: So that’s why Darth’s so full of anger? He never really loved Padme? Explains a lot.

Get Smart
Why It's Amazing: All of the principals unite in their everyday wear (that’s a lot of blazers). Wasn’t Mr Ford a dashing fellow?
Insight Into The Saga: This would have been a very different movie had nobody been wearing their crazy outfits.

Catch Me If You Can
Why It's Amazing: We discover that Luke was never really in that much peril when he confronts papa Darth – he’s only got a 30 foot drop onto some squishy mattresses.
Insight Into The Saga: Luke’s a big drama queen.

Bobbing Along
Why It's Amazing: It’s every single piece of Boba Fett’s awesome outfit laid out ready to be put on. Trivia nugget: Joe Johnston is the one who painted the whole lot.
Insight Into The Saga: It must take Boba a long time to get ready in the morning...

Walking Tall
Why It's Amazing: We get to see Phil Tippett and Jon Berg as they work their stop-animation (stomp-animation?) magic on the walkers.
Insight Into The Saga: Everybody in the Star Wars universe must be midget-sized – those things are tiny!

Cling On
Why It's Amazing: In the PG-rated Warsverse, nothing of this sort happens on-screen. Ever. So it’s good to see a little naughtiness went on behind the cameras.
Insight Into The Saga: Now we know what Leia and Chewie get up to when Han was off rescuing the galaxy from itself. Somebody think of the children...

Bun Time
Why It's Amazing: Carrie Fisher lets her hair down, unravelling those infamous Chelsea buns.
Insight Into The Saga: By that broad grin on her face, Leia didn’t actually like having her hair rolled up in those tight, headache-inducing buns.

Dont Lose Your Head
Why It's Amazing: C3P0 takes it easy in-between takes, as Anthony Daniels slips off the metal skullcap and stands under a parasol to escape the blinding heat.
Insight Into The Saga: Wait, C3P0’s just a skinny man in a suit?!

Down Time
Why It's Amazing: Now infamous, but no less awesome for that, here’s Star Wars ’ three leads with their director, chilling out on the set of Empire Strikes Back .
Insight Into The Saga: Anthony Daniels had his own chair!

A Touch Of Guinness
Why It's Amazing: Mark Hamill and Alex Guinness meet at Elstree Studios in 1979 to shoot a scene for Empire Strikes Back . Hamill reads his lines off-camera for the Brit ledge.
Insight Into The Saga: Obi Wan is capable of cracking a jovial smile, after all.

Gang Time
Why It's Amazing: Our six heroes unite for a rare snap of them all in the same frame.
Insight Into The Saga: Leia’s practically the same size as R2D2!

Why It's Amazing: Not only do we get to see a prototype R2D2, but we’re also given an eyeful of one of George Lucas’ truly dreadful jumpers.
Insight Into The Saga: R2D2 really is a rather simple little thing.

Why It's Amazing: Even more Wars cast members lose their heads, as Kenny Baker drags off his Paploo noggin – fairly disturbing.
Insight Into The Saga: This is what it would’ve looked like had the Ewoks been beheaded, as so many Wars fans demanded.

House It Going
Why It's Amazing: Luke’s home on Tatooine is actually nowhere near as remote as we first thought.
Insight Into The Saga: If we had to choose between living at Luke’s place, or the horrible squat buildings in the distance, Luke’s pad wins every time.

Faux Pas
Why It's Amazing: Aha, another one of those bloody Lucas jumpers. We’re not surprised that Fisher seems to be considering poking him with a stick to get him to remove the offending article
Insight Into The Saga: Costume design ideas clearly did not come from Lucas.

Why It's Amazing: Remember that famous image from A New Hope of these three facing down their nemesis? This snap’s just ruined it – but we’re fine with that.
Insight Into The Saga: Han’s even more cocky in the face of danger than we first thought.

Relaxing Relocation
Why It's Amazing: Alec Guinness chills out on the Tunisian set of A New Hope . Talk about striking a pose…
Insight Into The Saga: No more wondering why C3P0 is such a, er, fruity fella - he's obviously modelling himself after Sir Guinness.

Why It's Amazing: It’s like the Boba Fett pic, only better – and infinitely more creepy.
Insight Into The Saga: Ever pondered over your bowl of morning cereal what a skinned Wookie would look like? Wonder no more…
Josh Winning has worn a lot of hats over the years. Contributing Editor at Total Film, writer for SFX, and senior film writer at the Radio Times. Josh has also penned a novel about mysteries and monsters, is the co-host of a movie podcast, and has a library of pretty phenomenal stories from visiting some of the biggest TV and film sets in the world. He would also like you to know that he "lives for cat videos..." Don't we all, Josh. Don't we all.

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Despite those retirement reports, Lucasfilm boss Kathleen Kennedy is "very involved" in the Rey Star Wars movie, according to Daisy Ridley

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