18 Rare And Unseen Star Wars Shots
These are the pictures you are looking for...

Early R2...
A young George Lucas in a very funky jumper stands by a prototype droid.

Han Solo, the garden years...
Han practises his blaster action, in what appears to be someone's garden.

Han & Lando make up...
What's a little Carbonite freezing between pals?

Sibling rivalry
Luke, stop pulling your sister's hair...

Inappropriate touching
...But don't do that instead! For the love of the force, this is worse than the time you smooched her!

Photo session goes wrong...
Han: "Okay kid, you take the lighting guy on the left, I'll aim for the photographer..."

The gun show...
Leia's so confident about the Stormtroopers' inability to aim straight, she decides to fight them lying down...

Hothball fight...
Leia takes a break from worrying about her lost friends to chuck a few snowballs at a few off camera droids....

Helmet hair...
Luke's helmet hair was much more embarrassing than his dad's.

Rope trick...
The Skywalkers look remarkably relaxed considering they're about to swing across a massive gulf.

The hot side of the Force...
Leia demonstrates why everyone, from her own brother, to a rogue space-pirate, to Grand Moff Tarkin (probably) fancied a roll in the space hay with her royal hotness.

Chewie, give Leia back her arms...
Nice collar, but where the Sith are your arms? Have you just beat a wookiee at space chess?!

The coy side of the Force...
After bitching and moaning at Darth Vader to let her go for four hours, Leia tries a different approach.

Never mess with the director...
Irwin Kirshner: "I don't care how big you are in Coruscant, when I say 'cut' I mean 'cut.' Now give us a kiss you big brute.'"

The Gun Show 2
Leia: "That's not a blaster. Now this, this is blaster..."

The joke's on Chewie...
Han: "Hey guys, look - in that reflection, Chewie looks just like Jabba."

Solo feels the Force... in his pants
Han: "Pull my finger."

Clone Army...
Stormtrooper 1: "You know, for a bunch of clones, we really don't look alike."
Stormtrooper 2: "Forget that, where did Dave get the Dewback?!"
For even more rare Star Wars images, head on over to 30 Awesome Rare Star Wars Photos ...
Sam Ashurst is a London-based film maker, journalist, and podcast host. He's the director of Frankenstein's Creature, A Little More Flesh + A Little More Flesh 2, and co-hosts the Arrow Podcast. His words have appeared on HuffPost, MSN, The Independent, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, and many more, as well as of course for us here at 12DOVE.