16 Awesome Movie T-Shirts
Brit designer brings cult cool to cinematic spoof tees

Gaff's Origami School
Geek cred: Dark Bunny Tees is a British company run by one-man-band Alex Chenery, producing t-shirts with brilliantly obscure movie references, in-jokes and quotes - and we love them!
This Blade Runner tee features Gaff (Edward James Olmos), moonlighting as the owner of his very own origami school!
Best bit: Could be the subtle subtitle 'Lessons taught in basic and cityspeak', (great geek reference!) but it has to be the painstaking recreations of Gaff's origami unicorn, the origami guns, oh, and origami Gaff!
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !

Sadako's Video Rental And Delivery
Geek cred: Sadako has one huge advantage over the likes of Blockbuster - she delivers direct through your tv!
Best bit: The subtitle '6 Day Rental!!' - cos we all know what happens on the seventh day...
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !

Tommy DeVito's Comedy Club
Geek Cred: One of the most menacing scenes in cinema has inspired this awesome design - Tommy DeVito's Comedy Club, where it's open mic every night!
Best Bit: You may recognise the scene on the t-shirt - the bit where Tommy shoots Spider - except he now has a mic instead of a gun!
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !

Fried Gold Recruitment Farm
Geek Cred: Inspired by the events at the end of the film, Dark Bunny have come up with this brilliant design - a t-shirt Simon Pegg himself described as having 'inifite sartorial cool'.
Best Bit: The references to Shaun are crammed in thick and fast, but it's the name tag on the Zombie's chest that's best - a reference to Ken Foree from the original Dawn Of The Dead!
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !

Ripley's Power Loaders
Cult Cred: When Ripley admits to having a Class 2 rating to operate this awesome exoskeleton early in the film, it's hard not to imagine that it might play a larger role later on in the film.... but what if you could get your very own Power Loader down at B&Q?
Best Bit: The tagline; 'If it's not a Ripley's... ...it's game over'
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !

Emmet's Custom Autos
Cult Cred: Doc Brown obviously did a good bit of cosmetic and mechanical enhancement to the DeLorean, and with skills like that he might want to think about a side-gig in custom car modifications - who wouldn't want a flux capacitor in the back of their '87 Sierra Estate!
Best Bit: The quote at the top, "Great Scott!"
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !

Reed Rothchild's Magical XXX-travaganza
Cult Cred: Dark Bunny who have fulfilled the Reed Rothchild's dreams and given him his own weekly stage magic show!
Best Bit: 'People say I'm the Han Solo of illusion'
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !

J.A. Hammond's Exotic Pet Store
Cult Cred: Richard Attenborough's JA Hammond has given up the theme park business and is running a pet shop... exotic indeed.
Best Bit: The delighted faces on the children as the mini T-Rex devours a mouse...
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !

Meet The Skywalkers
Cult Cred: This ace tee is drawn by the (presumably) junior Luke Skywalker, who draws his family the way we've all done in the past - hoping Mum would stick it on the fridge!
Best Bit: Poor Uncle Owen, drawn by the precognitive 5-year old Luke as a crispy corpse!
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !

Jabba's Palace
Cult Cred: Dark Bunny's other Star Wars design gives Jabba's Palace the nightclub treatment - this is the t-shirt you're looking for!
Best Bit: The note announcing The Max Rebo Band - Jabba's house band in the movie - will be playing every night!
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !

Gunner's Den Sports And Leisure
Cult Cred: One of the spoof stores from George Romero's movie mall, immortalised again by Dark Bunny with this spoof ad.
Best Bit: The parents have both been bitten, so it doesn't take a genius to work out how the kids will be using those guns in an hour or so!
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !

Directive 3 Baby Food
Cult Cred: Megalomaniacal megacorp OCP extends its product line to reach consumers at the earliest possible age - with Baby Food guaranteed to help your growing offspring uphold the law.
Best Bit: The ED-209 Meal Buddy - 'You have 20 seconds to comply'
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !

Quaritch Security
Cult Cred: Forget that mangy old guard dog, how about Colonel Quaritch's private security services?
Best Bit: 'Vacationing in hell since 2154' or 'Forcing co-operation'
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !

Furies Little League Coaching
Cult Cred: The Baseball Furies are one of the coolest gangs in The Warriors , but are really not very well suited to coaching at a youth league level!
Best Bit: All of it. Warriors... come out to play-ay!
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !

Sex Panther by Odeon
Cult Cred: The cologne sported by Brian Fantana, which is apparently 'made with bits of real panther", and according to Ron Burgandy, "smells like pure gasoline" and "stings the nostrils. In a good way."
Best Bit: Looks like the Ancohrman team got lucky, inlcuding Brick Tamland... with a lamp.
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !

Krueger's Realty Inc.
Cult Cred: Elm Street's very own Nightmare passes time between sequels and remakes by moonlighting as an estate agent - very appropriate if the estate agents we've met are anythnig to go by...
Best Bit: Freddy doing the 'Freddy Dance' in the logo, and the Freddy face in the tree!
Check out Dark Bunny Tees for more designs, or follow them on Facebook !