14 Not So Secret Secret Sequels


How we know
It's easy enough to guess a sequel's in the offing when the original sells four million copies. Easier still when a mouthy lead designer, i.e. Cliffy Bleszinski, reportedly proclaims that the developer "intends to do a sequel" during an industry awards bash.

Though, if you listen to Epic's bigwig Mark Rein, Cliffy never said nothing there's nothing to see here move along please. Fine. Rein wants to talk 'potentials' instead of confirming a sequel. All we can say is: Four million copies. FOUR. MILLION. COPIES.


How we know
What with it being the greatest demo ever made, we shouldn't be surprised that the Crysis single-player snippet released last week also contains the entire script for the game, embedded deep in the file structure. Look away if you're afraid of spoiling the story, but here's what happens in the final act.

Nomad (that's you) smashes up two huge alien fighter things. Psycho (fellow nanosuit soldier) picks you up in his aircraft. But wait. There's a signal - it's Prophet (nanosuit commander chap) and he's still alive, but stuck on the island. Nomad: "Set a course for the island. We're going back in..." Cha-ching, Crysis 2 confirmed.

Ben Richardson is a former Staff Writer for Official PlayStation 2 magazine and a former Content Editor of 12DOVE. In the years since Ben left GR, he has worked as a columnist, communications officer, charity coach, and podcast host – but we still look back to his news stories from time to time, they are a window into a different era of video games.