Star Wars Weekend
Since 2003, Disney's Hollywood Studios theme park at Walt Disney World Resort has held an annual 'Star Wars Weekend' festival (this year's event starts on May 22nd).
It's a sort of mini-convention, with appearances by actors and crew members, Disney characters dressed as Star Wars characters (yes, there's Jedi Mickey), shows, presentations, memorabilia auctions...
Disney usually design a series of internal promo posters intended to raise employee awarness of the event. They're immeasurably ace, and we've rounded up a bunch of our favourites...

Boba Fett Ships Solo
We're really not sure how he got this one through baggage, since it contains a human being, albeit carbon frozen - though it is Fett, and he's a bit of a charmer.
Bet he had to pay overage fees - and wishes he could just charter Slave I to transport it instead.

3PO Gets Frisked
He might be "fluent in over six million forms of communication", but the fact that ol' Goldenrod's bod is entirely metal means he can't go through a regular metal detector.
And even if he did, he'd probably complain about it. Using too many words.

Yoda Claims His Baggage
"Fragile labelled was this.... Broken my collection of Dagobah antiques is. Strongly worded letter will I write."
Bet the airport security hates flying suitcases.

R2's Custom Carry-Case
This must be the original trilogy R2, since, as all good Star Wars geeks know, it was established in Attack Of The Clones that R2 CAN FLY.
Still, he likely wouldn't be able to fly across country without stopping to refuel every, oh, ten minutes.

Vader vs Security
Does Darth Vader actually need socks, since his feet are entirely robotic? Perhaps they help him tiptoe around the Death Star when everyone else is asleep?
Also - like C-3PO, he can't make it through a metal detector so he'd require special security dispensation. Poor. More research needed...

Stormtrooper Driver
Some troopers get the worst assignments - we imagine Lord Vader would be a notoriously picky backseat driver, who would crush your windpipe if you dared take the long way round.
This guy also looks like he's posing like a galactic male model. Oh, and we want to believe the sign for "Mr Roark" is a nod to Fantasy Island. Except, of course, Ricardo Montalban's character was spelt 'Roarke'... Nerd alert!

Now Boarding: TIE Fighter
Okay, this one's silly. The jet bridge goes straight into the wing! Everyone knows you board a Tie Fighter via the hatch at the top...

Darth Maul Guides 'Em In
"At last I shall successfully land Flight 976 from Chicago. At last I shall have... Revenge."
But why is he standing on the runway? Wouldn't that lead to a nasty Sith/plane encounter that won't end well for either?

Size Matters For Ewoks
Either the rides really are height-restrictive or they just don't want to end up digging fur out of the seats after every turn.
Plus, look at their eyes! They're already sky-high on something...

Sticky Stormtrooper
Even Stormtroopers wouldn't be stupid enough to try and eat without first removing their helmets.
Tsch. We'd have made it a Snow Trooper from The Empire Strikes Back to work better with the ice-cream gag.

Luke's Biggest Fan...
Darth would never be so stupid as to leave his lightsaber switched on while trying to hide it behind his back...
Then again, which security guard is going to be brave enough to ask him to extinguish it? Crushed windpipe time again.

The Electric State star Giancarlo Esposito explains why adapting the bleak novel into a family friendly adventure was the right decision: "I'm going to bring my children with me"

The Electric State may be the Russo brothers' most challenging VFX project yet, but stars Stanley Tucci and Giancarlo Esposito say it's one of the easiest films they’ve ever done

The Electric State star Giancarlo Esposito explains why adapting the bleak novel into a family friendly adventure was the right decision: "I'm going to bring my children with me"

The Electric State may be the Russo brothers' most challenging VFX project yet, but stars Stanley Tucci and Giancarlo Esposito say it's one of the easiest films they’ve ever done